Fashion Week: part 1

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.**

A week later, I woke up to the lovely view of Italy and a sleeping naked Onika who was tangled in the red satin sheets. I smiled as I carefully got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom before taking a quick shower and slipping on my robe and leaving the room. I crossed our suite at Donatella's and walked over to the smaller bedroom where Alexandria was gone. In her place was a hand written note from Donatella saying that Ally had came out for breakfast and that she'd get her ready for the day. I sigh and walk back to my room. Onika was still sleep but I wanted to wake her up so we could go out. I smirked as I walked over and sat on the bed next to Onika and started to place soft kisses on her back. She didn't budge. I went a little lower and started to kiss on her exposed thighs before she turned on her back. She still didn't wake up so I put one of her legs on my shoulder and started to lightly lick and kiss on her thigh. Still nothing. I rolled my eyes and leaned forward a little more and started to tease her clit with tongue. She started to move a little then. I was writing my name across it when she spoke.

"Zaddy...I'm...What are....You know..." Onika mumbled waking up.

"I knew that would get you up. You need to get ready we have a busy day ahead of us."

"The fashion stuff doesn't happen till tomorrow." Onika yawned.

"Come on Mamas, Ally's with Donatella so I'm sure she's had cake for breakfast." I chuckle.

Onika shook her head and grinned and sat up. I smiled at her baby bump and wasn't too surprised about it popping out so quickly. Second babies always showed sooner per my Mom plus the cyst also was a factor. Onika got up and went to the bathroom and I finished getting ready putting on a white graphic Versace shirt, gold and black Versace slacks and black sneakers since we'd be walking. I did my hair up and light makeup. I was checking on some plans when Onika joined in me. She looked cute in a black and gold Versace print tank top, black tights and jean jacket. Her makeup was beautiful and she had her down. She walked over to her shoes and slipped on her black sandal heels.

"No, wear flats."

"I brought my comfortable heels Bey."

"No Onika, One, your pregnant, 2. We're going to be doing some walking, so grab your sneakers and I'll get you some socks."

"I'll bring my slides." Onika replied annoyed.

I shook my head as I watched her finish strapping up her heels and I picked up her slides and put them in my backpack. We left the room and went down to the kitchen. In the kitchen, It brought back memories and I thought about when Onika slapped me in the face for sleeping with Diamonte's ass.

"I'm a dog ass bitch." I mumble to myself.

"Huh?" Onika said turning to face me.

"Nothing Baby girl, just talking to myself."

I lean forward and gave Onika a kiss on the lips and put my hand on her belly.

"You feel anything?"

"No, I thought so when I was taking a shower this morning but I'm not sure."

"Let's go feed my baby."

Onika and I walked deeper into the kitchen and saw Donatella putting a little pink plate and cup in the sink as a staff member did the dishes.

"Hello there, Ally just had pancakes and now she is outside with Kelly and Titan playing with the pony." Donatella said smiling.

"The pony?!" Me and Onika said in unison.

"Yes, I rented a pony for my Princess. She mentioned it yesterday and he's here today. Don't worry he's got a muzzle on so no biting."

"Donatella, you spoil Alexandria." Onika said smiling.

"I'm the Godmother, that's my job. Now you two go have fun and I'll be here with Alexandria. Your Mom's are having fun in the spa."

"Great, let's go have breakfast out and get to my plans." I reply tapping Onika on the butt.

Onika walked out to say 'Goodbye' to Ally and see the pony. It was adorable and it was all white and Ally was sitting on its back brushing its hair. We left and the driver took us to the city. We got out and Julius walked behind us a little as we went to a café. We got breakfast and sat on the rooftop. Onika had gotten dry toast and turkey bacon and I had the same with some egg whites, fruit and coffee. We had breakfast and soon we were on the street again walking.

We went shopping per my plan; we got Ally some things and some things for the new baby. I was nervous that Onika was walking around in heels and I knew that her feet were going to hurting later. We went into a museum per my plan to see the new art exhibit dedicated to flowers and water. It was so cool to see the different artist instillations and I got that creative buzz I've been needing. Standing in front of a man made waterfall I wrapped my arms around Onika's waist and put my chin on her shoulder.

"This is what you need to have when you have the baby. This visual and the noise is soooo relaxing."

"I like waterfalls. I wanted that water birth with Ally but I chickened out last minute."

"Aww, it's okay. We can ask Dr. Gabrielle if we can. I'd like to be apart of that."

"You were a good support last time Bey. You kept me calm."

I smiled and put a kiss on Onika's cheek. I was enjoying her scent when she put her hand over mine and gasped.

"I...I felt something!"

"Really?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, it's was a little quick it?"

"No. It's okay. I probably won't for awhile. It's okay. I'm happy you are feeling the baby move."

I squeeze Onika a little tighter and gave her a kiss before we leave the museum. I wanted street meatballs since the cart was right out front but Onika strongly disagreed and we walked down to an ice cream shop. I got a raspberry gelato and Onika just got something to drink. I wanted to share my gelato with her but she didn't want to chance having her blood sugar go up. She left to go to the bathroom and I texted Lauren checking up on Ally. I was putting my phone up and preparing to take another bite of gelato when someone grabbed my ass. I looked back and saw Diamonte.


Diamonte' back!


Excuse all errors!!


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