Fashion Week: Part 2

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*Beyonce' P.o.v*

"Hey Beyonce, you look good. I've missed you."

"It's been years Diamonte, I hope you've found happiness, please leave me alone."

"Damn we can't be friends?"

"Not at this time. Maybe in a few more years."

"Cold aren't we? Where's wifey? I seen that picture you put up of you and your baby girl. It was cute, should have been me. I would have kept you in your place. Instead of letting you run around with them hoes and then Megan's scheming ass."

"Diamonte...wait...what did you say about Megan?"

"Nothing, but I suggest you hold wifey and Baby girl close because word on street is she's plotting big on the Maraj-Knowles family."

"Plotting huh? What would be the point?"

"Look Bey, I know we have a past but two million on one of yours head is no joke."

"What! She put a bounty on whose head?"

I was stunned. Onika walked out of the bathroom and Diamonte' turned and walked away to a waiting car. Onika putting her hand in mine made me jump.

"Hey, You okay Bey?"

"I'm fine Baby girl." I lie.

I was far from 'okay' and now needed to be able to talk to Diamonte to figure out what she knew. A bounty was a dangerous thing and I had feeling it wasn't on my head.

"Bey? Beyonce? Are you okay?"


"You zoned out, we're back at Donatella's."

I looked around and saw that we were sitting in the car infront of Donatella's. I nod and get out out, helping her out. We went inside and Onika went to the bathroom and I went to find Lauren. Luckily Lauren was holding Ally who was sobbing in her shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"Ally is over tired. She doesn't want to go to sleep."

"Oh well, Papi can fix that." I reply taking Ally from Lauren.

"You couldn't be normal and have her call you Mama?" Lauren asked giving me a look.

"Papi...." Ally whined yawning.

"If she thinks it's weird she can change it up later but for now, she likes Papi. Let's go take a nap Ladybug. You've missed your nap by two hours."

"I'll send in your clothes for the show. Are you taking Ally to the show?"

"I don't know yet."

I walk away from Lauren and take Ally to our rooms. I put her in her bed and lay next to her rubbing her back putting her to sleep. I got up from the bed and went in the other bedroom to see Onika sitting on the bed rubbing her bump and whispering to the baby. I smiled. It seemed like this pregnancy was different from Ally's because I was noticing everything that she was doing. Hell we had morning sickness together. I walked in and closed the door before kneeling in front of her between her legs and wrapping my arms around her waist. I put my head up to her belly and sighed. I knew my energy was off and I was hoping Onika didn't feel it. I almost jumped feeling her rub the side of my head. She stroked around my ear and spoke.

"Bey, Are you okay?"

"I missed out on so much when you were pregnant with Ally, I don't want to miss anymore. I'm sorry, I did nothing but stress you out the whole time you were pregnant."

"It's okay, just don't do it again."

"You know I love you right?"

"Yes...what's wrong?"

Entanglements II : A BeyNika Story (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now