Christmas Part 2

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*Beyonce's P.O.V.**

I woke up at 7 and Onika was gone from bed and Ally was still sleep. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and forehead before getting up. I walked to the bathroom door and heard Onika throwing up. I slowly turned the knob and walked in to her kneeling in front of the toilet with one arm across it holding up her head the one arm across her stomach. Hmm food poisoning...I knew that fruit smelled funny. I thought. I got a hand towel and wet it before placing it on the back of her neck making her jump. Onika quickly flushed the toilet and got up to brush her teeth. I started to brush mine as I rubbed on her lower back. Before standing behind her and resting my hand on her stomach and lightly rubbing it. She almost choked on her toothbrush moving away from me. She rinsed her brush and walked out. I finished up in the bathroom and went back to the bedroom to see Ally was gone. I heard her talking to Onika and sighed in relief. I changed into my assigned ugly Christmas sweater and jeans. I slipped on my house shoes and pulled my hair up into a ponytail and went downstairs. Downstairs Ally stood in front of the Christmas tree with my phone taking pictures.

"Papi, Look I'm a reindeer!" Ally said showing me the phone that had the filter on for a reindeer.

"Aww, you're a pretty reindeer. Merry almost Christmas Ladybug."

I hug Ally and we take a picture together before she gave me a kiss.

"Papi, Mommy's sick. She threw up. Is she going to the hospital?"

"No, Mommy just ate something funny. She'll be okay."

I put Ally down and turned on the TV for her and she sat to watch Bluey as I heard something fall in the kitchen. I walked over and saw milk had been splashed over the floor.

I walked around the counter and saw Onika on the floor. I ran over and knelled over her and felt her pulse. I was pulling out my cell phone to call 911 when Onika spoke and told me that she was 'Okay'. She sat up against my wishes and held her head repeating that she was fine.

"Mamas, you fainted that's not normal, we need to take you to the Doctor. Come on, we'll be right back."

She begrudgingly agreed and I cleaned up the milk as my Mom came in. She looked great in her ugly sweater and santa hat.

"Hey ladies, Ladybug, GG is here!"

Ally ran in and hugged my Mom's legs before turning and going back to watch her show. I was going to mention to my Mom about going to the hospital but Onika told me she was fine and started a conversation with my Mom. Soon Solange and everyone else flooded in with their ugly sweaters and hats on. I couldn't enjoy the party because I was trying to get Onika to sit down, eat something, drink something, or at least go Urgent Care because she looked like she wanted to faint again. My Mom and Carol didn't seem to notice or they weren't acting on it. Alexandria was the star of the party as she played with everyone and opened all her fifty eleven gifts. My child was beyond spoiled and I hated think what a second one would be like. Truthfully I had been thinking about having a second baby for a while but figured with us finally getting back together that it wasn't the time plus losing that last baby was a lot. I was feeling sick on the stomach with all the food smells and I had to go to the bathroom. Weird as hell since I never thrown up unless I was pissy drunk and then some. Soon the party was over even though it went long. Ally was in her bed sleep after a bath and story from Mom and Carol. Onika had disappeared around that time and Lauren and Normani were in my closet trying to get inspiration for new pieces. Lauren emerged in my Balenciaga coat and Normani with my classic Chanel clutch. We made eye contact before they both ran.

"Running like roaches! I want my stuff back soon hoes!" I yell behind them.

Julius locked up for me and I turned all the lights off downstairs. I went upstairs, checked on a sleeping Ally and went into the Master. Onika wasn't in there and I figured she was in her 'little' office. I walked in and saw nothing. I walked back to the Master and saw the balcony door was opened a little. I walked onto it and my mouth dropped.

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