Christmas: Part 1

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*Onika's P.O.V.*

After the spa, I could see Bey was trying but I understandably was hesitant. I was still recovering from Chris' attack and Megan's embarrassment of dropping a sex tape of all three of us which made my Mom come over and douse Beyonce and I in Holy Water because that was the one night that was a blur as I only remember, a ball gag, hot oil, being tied up, and enough orgasms to never want another in life. Beyonce was lucky that her caramel delight was hidden by sheets and people thought it was a strap on. In general it did nothing but boost our celebrity and have the trolls tongues wagging. But I had other things to think about. One being that Ally would have a good Christmas and that I had everything in order for dinner on Christmas Eve. We opted to just have dinner that day so Bey and I could have a semi-quiet Christmas Day. My Mom was making the ox tails and Tina was making turkey breasts. I was making the sides and Lauren ordered desserts. It was the day before Christmas Eve and I was leaving the Doctor's for quick checkup for my blood sugar and other vitals. I went alone since I wanted to grab a Christmas gift before I went home. Sitting in the car with Wayne who I made wait outside I put on my seatbelt and told Wayne which way to go to get to the Target. In Target, Wayne pushed a cart for me while I looked at my app for coupons and deals. I was soon standing in the baby aisle looking at little socks and onesis. I remembered back to when Ally was a baby and felt sad. I was upset because what should have been an amazing time was tarnished by some dumb shit. I sighed and walked away to check out. I paid for my stuff and left with Wayne. He dropped me off at home and I was surprised to see Bey sitting with Ally doing some writing. Ally looked up and gave me a small smile before going back to her workbook. I walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat next to them.

"We're done for today Ladybug. You can go in the playroom now."

Ally got up and ran into her playroom and Bey looked at me.

"The house looks really nice, you always made our houses feel like Christmas. I like the white lights on the tree, surprised you didn't do multicolored twinkling."

"I tried our second year of me working for you. You got mad and cut the lights off the tree with butcher scissors when I refused to take them off."

Beyonce's face dropped. After telling her off in the limo, I wasn't holding back my feelings anymore. I was putting it in her face what she had done to make her see that it was a big deal and that she was as Mama Tina put it, 'A dog ass bitch'. Before either one of us could say anything Ally ran in with her teddy bears. She looked at us before looking at her bears and speaking.

"Mommy, are you and Papi friends?"

"Huh?" I asked surprised that Ally said that.

"Ally, Mommy and Papi are friends. Can you clean up your toys so you can go see a friend?"

"Titan! Yay!" Ally said running off.

Bey looked at me and gave me a hug and whispered into my ear.

"We need to talk; I'm taking her to Kelly's for a few hours."

"I'm going to lie down.'

"Okay but I'm waking you up to talk."

I felt exhaustion hit me like a brick as I went up to my room. In my room, I was lying in bed looking at my phone and texting Lauren.


Hey, How are you?


Good. Tired. Your goddaughter asked if me and Bey were friends. I didn't know what to say.


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