Daddy Dearest

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*Onika's P.o.v.*

I felt horrible watching Bey leave and making her put her hands on me. I know that shit wasn't in her spirit to do that and I pushed her to it. I just didn't want to deal with that today. I opened the door behind me and walked in and went to the bathroom. Thankfully it was a single and I locked the door and sat. My throat hurt and my wrists. Having the hurt one being held so tightly again was making it swell. I took off my watch and bracelet as the door opened. I looked up and saw my Mom behind it and a building employee. She walked in with Tina and sat.

"Are you okay?" My Mom asked.

"No." I reply.

"Look at your neck...Damn it Bey." Tina grumbled.

"No, it's not her fault. It's mine." I reply getting upset again.

"Nicki, what happened?" Mama Tina asked giving me tissue.

I looked at Mom and she nodded and I sighed.

---Flashback (last night)---

I couldn't sleep and it was one in the morning. Bey was sleep with Ally on the other side of her but I was wide awake. Something from what my Mom said to me earlier was bothering me. So I got up and slipped on my shoes and walked out of the room. I grabbed my wallet and saw Pedro our new security team member sitting at his post sleep. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my keys, leaving. I drove over to my Mom's house and got out. I used my key and opened the door. I saw my Dad in the kitchen drinking. He looked at me and frowned.

"Go home Onika."

"No, I came to check on Mommy."

"She's fine, take your pregnant butt home and rub that dick on that boss of yours. Good thing she's rich because that's the weirdest shit I ever heard of. "

"You're such an asshole."

"Excuse me? Last I checked you ran out of our house and went to work for that 'Lady' and didn't look back to help your Mother or brother. She was moving back and forth to Trinidad and you was just living it up with the Knowles."

"I gave my Mom my whole pay check for fucking years and paid lawyers to get her papers straight after you fucked them up! You are in the wrong not me. You're a horrible husband and a piece of a father. I fucking hate you!"

My Dad threw his glass at me and I avoided getting hit but he grabbed me by the wrist. He pulled me close and wrapped his other hand in my pajama shirt.

"I ought to knock your ass into next week. How dare you speak to me like that? I'm still your father, you need to respect me. Say that shit to me again, I will put your ass into the hospital again."

"Beyonce would kill you."

"I'm sure, I just saw her fucking a chick in the strip club not even a few months ago so I doubt she's killing anyone over you. You can't even keep her in bed. Your mother been told me that she runs through women like water. I bet you thought some babies and a little wedding would keep that hoe in bed? You thought wrong."

"Bey has changed."

"No she hasn't. Cant teach a old dog new tricks. You playing yourself if you think otherwise. You's a stupid bitch, you lucky you pretty."

I was boiling. I slapped my Dad in the face as hard I could before he pushed me back onto the floor. My ankle twisted under me and I screamed out in pain. He kicked me in the lower back as my Mom came in and pushed him off of me.

"Get off Robert! The hell is wrong with you?"

"She hit me! Don't touch me!" My Dad screamed smacking my Mom in the face.

I don't know what came over me but I got up and pushed my Mom back. My Dad grabbed his keys and left and my Mom hugged me.

"Nicki, Are you okay? I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Just don't tell Bey. She'd get her father over here and we'll be going to Dad's funeral."

--end of flashback—

"Oh, I'm so sorry. But are you sure your okay? The twins?" Mama Tina asked rubbing my belly.

"Fine, the Doctor told me to call if certain things happened but they didn't."

My Mom kissed my forehead and I texted Bey and called but no response. I dried my tears. I got up and we went back to the party. I made an excuse of Bey needing to go to work and opened the gifts and thanked everyone. I was tired and wanted nothing more than to lie down. Lauren and Normani helped me put the gifts in the truck before I strapped Ally in and went home with my Mom and Mama Tina. At the house, they put the gifts in the nursery and my Mom took Ally to change and out to the beach with Tina. I took off my dress and for the first time looked at my body. I really was all belly but I had a bruise on my back from when my Dad kicked me and the bruises from Bey and my Dad on my wrists. I took a cold shower and changed into one of Bey's t-shirts and panties. I got into bed and decided to rest until Lauren's party. I swear if it wasn't her, I wouldn't go. I went to sleep and woke up with my alarm. I felt so sore getting up but I got freshened up and changed after putting make up on my bruises. I put on a black tank dress that stopped at the thighs, my silver jeweled flipflops, and a thin pink duster. I felt Papabear pushing his body down as I walked into the hallway. I leaned against the wall as everyone came out of Ally's room. 

            "Hey, you okay Baby?" My Mom asked.

"Uncomfortable. Is Lana okay with watching Ally?" I ask Tina.

"Yes, she said no problem."

"Ya'll not changing?" I ask looking at them feeling my stomach tighten.

"No, this is a two event day and these looks transition from day to night." Tina chuckled.

"Onika, you look like you're hurting." My Mom said rubbing my belly.

"I'm not, let's just go before Ally has a fit." I reply starting to move to the stairs.

I stopped in my tracks feeling tightness all over my baby bump and back. I didn't want to worry the Mom's so I walked through it even though it felt worse moving. Finally at the bottom of the stairs I saw that Bey had texted me back.

-Incoming text-

Zaddy Bee:

I'm getting a room, I need a few days. Phone on 'Do not not disturb'.


Sorry it's short. 

Comments might get a another chpt tonight.

Excuse all errors.


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