Roman Greetings

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*Beyonce's P.OV.**

I was yawning as the plane ride was wrapping up. I was holding my both my Babies in the bed who were asleep. I looked Onika over and gently leaned over and kissed her lips. I loved my wife and I needed to get her back. I hated the fact that Chris had put his hands on her and was going to send my people around there but he was gone to New York and then suddenly Atlanta. I was happy though, I was able to convince Onika to stay with me the last few days with Ally. I couldn't wait to move because I knew the house made her uncomfortable and it was my fault. Me busting down Megan on the grand staircase was a line I shouldn't have crossed. Megan and my hoe activities were not supposed to come in the house where Alexandria Celestine laid her head. I got up and stretched before leaving the bedroom cabin. I walked over to Lauren who was looking up something on her computer.

"What are you doing?"

"Something for Nicki."


"Houses, she wants to move Diablo."


"My Little Pony called you and emailed you. She's upset that she wasn't invited to Fashion week."

"Who? Oh...Megan...yeah, she's been mad at me. I haven't been talking to her in the last two weeks or even seen her."

"Yeah, cut the Pony off slowly. I have a bad feeling about her."

"What do you mean?"

"Just...keep her away from Nicki and for sure Alexandria."

"Okay Lauren." I reply looking down at my phone.

I sit and start to look at some things for Ally until it was time to land. Onika and Ally were up then and sitting in their seats. Ally was holding my arm whining from the cabin pressure. I reached into my bra and pulled out the pink pacifier I hid it in for her.

"Binky!" Ally said taking it from my hand and putting it in her mouth

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"Binky!" Ally said taking it from my hand and putting it in her mouth.

"Beyonce, no pacifiers."

"It's better than her sucking her thumb Onika, I'll take it later."

Ally happily sucked on her pacifier as we landed and deplaned. I was holding her and had my hand in Nicki's. Papparizi got a few good snaps of us and of course Ally hammed it up. I wanted to send a message to everyone and pulled Onika in for a deep kiss making Ally her clap hands for us. At Donatella's compound, Ally was the star as she was quickly dressed in a white and gold Versace dress and gold sandals by Donatella. Donatella had a huge bounce house for her in the backyard and a tea party waiting. She went all out. Ally was having the time of her life as Donatella had her photographer take pictures. As Ally roped Lauren in to have tea Donatella came over.

"Hey you two, that little one is so much fun! Those pictures are going to look great at my show. Thank you Nicki for agreeing."

"Your welcome Donatella."

"Come on Nicki, we need to drink! You look so tired." Donatella said roping Onika into a hug and walking away.

I went over and played with Ally who was laughing at Lauren who was tickling her. After playing with Ally, it was soon time for her to go to bed. I walked her up to our rooms and put her the warm waiting bath. I cleaned her off and dried her off and put on the night gown Donatella had waiting for her on the bed. Ally was such a princess since birth. Thinking of when she was born made me misty eyed. Ally took her pacifier out and rubbed my face.

"Don't cry Papi."

"I'm okay Princess."

"Night night story?"


"About when I was a baby in Mommy's tummy?" Ally yawned putting the pacifier back in her mouth.

I laugh. Ally likes that story. After telling it she was fast asleep and I was brushing away tears. I got up and left the room and washed my face. I walked over to my bedroom and got undressed.

I got into the shower and cleaned up

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I got into the shower and cleaned up. I was dried off and enjoying the warm Mediterranean air coming in from my window. I decided to sleep naked and slid into the waiting silk sheets and quickly fell asleep.

A warm set of hands woke me up around two in the morning. I looked down and saw Onika taking me into her mouth. I almost spoke out shocked but I soon smelled the Mulsum honey wine on her breath. Donatella loved getting her drunk. I thought smirking. Onika swallowed my dick to the hilt and then some. She worked her tongue around the shaft as she stroked my balls.

"Fuck...Onika..." I moan.

Onika slid me out of her mouth and started to kiss up my body before sliding me deep inside her up. My dick was pulsating inside of her. She felt so tight and warm. Pussy was almost drooling on my dick. I looked at Onika as her eyes caught mine and spoke.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm not that drunk. I know what I'm doing."

Before I could speak again, Onika kissed me. We made out and fucked real good and slow until I filled her with ropes and ropes of cum. For the first time in long time, I connected with my wife and felt the all the love she wanted to give me. My pussy ass even shed a few tears as she slept on top of me dick still inside of her nuzzled in her warm wet pussy. I knew that Onika would probably hate me in the morning but for now she loved me tonight.


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