A Cleansing

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*Onika's P.o.v.**

I feigned wanting a nap because I wanted to go somewhere alone. So when Bey left I got up and changed into a white tank top and khaki colored shorts. I put on my sandals and grabbed my wallet and left with Wayne. He drove me over to a little house on the edge of the island. I left him to wait in the car and walked the stone path to the door. I knocked and the door opened to a small woman on a cane. She smiled at me and ushered me in the house. I took my place on the floors yoga mat before lying down and closing my eyes. The woman came over and sat next to my body waving a wand of sage over me.

"Onika, it's been too long. I've missed seeing you."

"I know Osuna, I've been so tied up."

"I understand, this is going to take twice as long. You have a lot of dark spirit energy around you but your son is helping keep some of it away. Ally was an easy fix since hers didn't stick like yours."

"I hate this, who does voodoo on a woman and child?" I mumble.

"Someone who sees no other way to get what they want. Now sit up and I'm going to give you some tea before your bath. But after feeling you, you are going to need another one when you get home."

I nod sitting up cradling my belly. I got up and followed Osuna to her kitchen enjoying feeling the cool tiled floor under my feet. Osuna gave me the tea and I quickly swallowed it all. I didn't like the taste normally but luckily the after taste was minty. Osuna took me outside behind the house to the metal bathtub that was filled with hot water, various oils which was an amalgamation of tea tree oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus, coconut milk, honey, pink salt, and a handful of fresh carnation petals. I carefully took off clothing and slipped into the hot tub. Osuna poured into two pitchers of cold water bringing the temperature down as I sat and the water came up to my neck. Osuna pulled my head back and rested on the tubs edge and began to massage certain pressure points on my neck while rhythmically humming. I almost asleep after awhile as the water began to cool off. The evening sky was beginning to come in as amber took over the blue. I was calm but Papabear was not. He was kicking the hell out of me because he wanted me to get up and walk around again and probably eat something. He almost had me on a eating schedule. I groan feeling him moving more and more.

"Breathe Onika, In and Out." Osuna instructed.

"It won't work; he wants me out of this tub and walking around. The motion puts him to sleep."

"I understand but he needs to learn to sleep without movement. So breathe and relax your body. Let him feel you peace." Osuna said touching my belly.

I tried to breathe deep breaths and it wasn't working soon I started to have cramps. I gritted my teeth in pain and Osuna put a cold wet compress on my forehead. I closed my eyes and felt a soft pair of lips press against my ear.

"Do your best to relax Mamas, it'll be okay."

"Beyonce?" I say as my eyes shoot open and see her beside me.

"Yes, Wayne told me where you were."

"Is that blood on your collar?"

"Uh yeah, I went to the bar, broke up a fight." Bey said quickly.

"Oh that's crazy. It's barely night time and ...AAAH!" I screamed but quickly muted myself by biting down on my arm that was gripping the tub.

"Hey, Hey, Baby girl? Don't bite yourself, if anything, bite me."

I released my jaws from my arm and felt Papabear drop down inside of me reliving the pressure in my chest and ribs but now my hips that were already hurting were on fire and I felt like I could push him out in if I squeezed hard enough. I felt Osuna's hand on my belly and she gently rubbed it in circle soon Papabear stopped his assault. Relieved I threw my head back and closed my eyes taking in a few open mouth breaths.

"He's dropped, I know you still have 9 weeks to go Onika, from now on you'll have to slow down and rest more. We don't want him to come early and by the way he's acting he just might. Beyonce, take care of her. Make her sit down somewhere until this baby comes, I know us Maraj's can be stubborn busy bodies."

Beyonce nodded and laughed at the sentiment before her and Osuna helped me up. I dried off and redressed. I was waddling as we walked to the front of the house. Osuna hugged me and Bey before giving us both some tea bags and sage to keep in our bags. I went to the bathroom leaving Bey and Osuna to talk. I finished up and I joined Bey in the truck as Wayne had been dismissed. In the backseat, I saw more blood spots on her shirt and grew a little uneasy.

"Beyonce, you have more blood on you, Did something else happen?"

"No, don't worry about that, worry about relaxing for Papabear, I don't want you having our baby on vacation or when we get back. Come here."

Bey hugged me and rubbed my lower back until we got back to our suite. Ally was out to dinner with everyone and I was glad to have a little more alone time with Bey. I was wiped and my body was aching. The hot bath was soothing but they always made me feel sore after. Bey ordered dinner to the room and I got undressed and put on a pink night slip and laid on the bed.

I was trying to relax watching Bey take a shower and change but I had one question and I knew if I asked her what happened it was going to be an argument. Bey got our food from the door before sitting on the bed with it. She dug right into the local cuisine and I had a little bit before stopping. Bey finished hers as I brushed my teeth and got back into bed. She did the same and soon Ally was in for night hugs and kisses. Tina and Solo were really enjoying her more so Solo because she missed having a small child so she was with Solo sixty percent of the trip. Ally was soon asleep in her room and Bey was rubbing my feet. 'Oh, she probably killed someone to be touching my feet. Or she cheated. Oh my God, she cheated.'  I thought feeling tears come to my eyes.



Excuse all errors!


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