Glitter slime: part 1

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*Beyonce's P.O.V.**

Ally singing along to Youtube on my phone woke me up at 7 sharp. 

"Papi, Can we go get slime?"

"You have slime, Ladybug."

"Not Glitter slime Papi!" Ally said showing my the phone with kids playing with buckets of shiny slime.

"Okay Ladybug, we'll go shopping. Let's get some food first okay?"

I sat up and saw Onika was gone from the bed and probably the house. I thought back to her having that bruise and looked at Ally. I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom and started a bath for her as we brushed out teeth. Thankfully she didn't have any bruises or scratches on her. She sat in the bath and I took a quick shower while she played with her baby shark toys. I dried off and quickly slipped on under clothes while she was distracted. I washed her up and undid her plaits and ran some warm water through her making her waves and curls pop. I dried Ally off and carried her to her room. I grabbed an outfit and changed her.

I pair her dress with white ruffle socks and pink Nikes

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I pair her dress with white ruffle socks and pink Nikes. I put a pink headband on Ally's hair as Lana came in to get her while I got ready. I went to my room and changed for the day and did my makeup.

I got my backpack together and grabbed Ally's backpack and tossed in some things and her Ipad before going downstairs

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I got my backpack together and grabbed Ally's backpack and tossed in some things and her Ipad before going downstairs. Downstairs, my Mom was cuddling Ally who was sucking her thumb.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Hoe, cute outfit." My Mom said giving me a look and rolling her eyes.

"Mom, you play. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my granddaughter and spend some time with my whore-daughter." Mom said slickly.

"GG what's a hoard?" Ally asked moving her thumb from her mouth.

"Nothing Baby! GG shouldn't have said that in front of you. Papi just makes GG sad sometimes."

"Oh, like Mommy?"

"What do you mean Ladybug?" I ask walking closer.

"Mommy cries a lot about Papi. She hides but I see her. Papi, Can we go get Mommy?"

"No Ally, maybe we'll see Mommy for dinner okay?" I say getting a chill up my spine.

"That's if Meg doesn't come over right?" My Mom said with a smirk.

"Okay, let's go get breakfast and get my Ladybug some Glitter slime!"

We leave the house and Julius meets us at the truck. He drives for us and Mommy sits in the front while I sit in the back with Ally who was sucking her thumb hard. Something that was new, she never really sucked her thumb so to see her do it was interesting. We caught breakfast at our favorite diner before going to Target. At Target, we got out and walked in grabbing a cart. We went through the baby aisle to grab some wipes and pull-ups.

"Ally, doesn't need pull ups Bey."

"She does at night sometimes Mom or on long car rides."

"Papi, I want one." Ally said pointing behind me.

"What? A diaper?" I ask looking back.

"No, a baby brother!" Ally whined as a lady passed with a baby boy wrapped in a blue and gray blanket.

I choked on my spit and my Mom hit my back hard.

"Cough it up Slut, you should have two kids by now but you slipping. I'm tired of this Beyonce, make up with Onika if you can and get your family back together. Megan doesn't mean you any good, you're going to get caught up in some drama."

"Mom, not right now please. I'm already trying to work on that."

"Oh yeah? Spill."

I sigh hard pulling Ally's headphones and Ipad from her bag and setting it up for her. As soon as she couldn't hear me, I spoke.

"Nicki came over last night and I saw she had a big ass bruise on her stomach. I didn't get a chance to ask about it but I talked to Wayne and he like her new dude ain't shit. I think he's hitting her but I don't have much to go off of yet."

"Oh my God, that poor child, Beyonce I should whoop your ass! This is all you damn fault trying to be Mathew Jr., trying to have your cake and eat it too!"

"Mom. She agreed and then it just got out of control."

"Beyonce, break it off with Megan and get your wife back. Time apart was taken but now it's time to end it. Do you still love Nicki?"

"I do love Nicki. We're still married under all this shit."

"Then act like it Beyonce."


Excuse all errors.

It's short. sorry.

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