A Mistake

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It was eating me that Onika was keeping something from me but I ate it because I didn't want to ruin this event. I was still happy to share with everyone that we were having twins. Normani rolled the cake over and gave me and Onika the knife and server. We cut the cake and the pink and blue sprinkles poured out. On cue, like Lauren practiced with Ally a few moments ago she jumped up and screamed. 'It's twins!!! Mommy is having a girl and a boy!'. Ally ran over and hugged me and I looked at Onika with happy tears. She had her face covered with her hands crying. Carol got up and came over and hugged her. I leaned over and kissed Carol's cheek and saw that I took off some makeup from her cheek. I wiped my lips off and looked back to see that the makeup was covering a bruise. I felt sick for moment at the thought that Robert hit Carol. Onika having her hands up to her face made it easier for me to peak at her wrist. I saw just enough to realize that it was big purple bruise. I exhaled sharply and looked at Rob. She gave me the look back and I excused myself quickly. I got out of the door and walked down to the from. I needed air and fast. Rob came behind me and spoke.

"Hey, What's up?"

"Did you see Carol's face?"

"Yes. I saw that. I know about that. I've been quietly talking to her on the side about it. They aren't even together, but he just pops up on her and they argue or he's nice. It's like one or the other."

"Yeah that's not going to work. Did you see Onika's wrist?"

"Yeah I peeped when I gave her that hug. She normally doesn't wear a lot of jewerly on that wrist. Think she interfered with them?"

"I'm sure of it, I don't like this Rob. I literally want to monkey stomp his ass out."

"I know but you can't. Onika would have those babies early."

"Uggh, my babies. Rob, I'm having twins."

"I know. I'm having a baby too." Rob said with a smile.

"Really?" I say surprised.

"Yes, Deyjah just took the test today. Positive. I am happy. We aren't getting married or anything right now and that's cool."

"Congrats Rob, I'm happy for you two. Now you can understand when I say I haven't slept in days."

Rob and I share a laugh and Onika came outside. Rob gave me a head nod and walked back into the building.

"What's wrong? Are you sad that the other baby is a girl?" Onika asked.

"No, Not at all. I'm happy for my babies. I'm just concerned."


"About why you lying to me."

"Lying about what?"

"What happened to your wrist." I reply pushing her watch up.

Seeing how bruised her wrist really was I was shocked. I put my hand on the bruise in the way I thought it happened and saw that it was for sure caused by someone grabbing it and squeezing it hard as hell. She pulled away and pulled her watch back down.

"Who did that?"

"No one."

"No one sure got some nerve putting their hands on you."

"Bey, let's not. We're at our baby shower."

"I don't care where we are. Someone is putting their hands on you and I don't like that. Now I have an idea of who it was."

"Drop...it. You're stressing me out." Onika breathed holding her baby bump.

"No, tell me now."

Onika turned and I reached out and grabbed her from behind holding both of her wrists. I held her tightly so she wouldn't fall but she wasn't going anywhere until I got an answer.

"Tell me and I'll let you go. You handling shit on your own is over."

"Get off." Onika grunted.

"No. tell me."

"Let me go Beyonce!"

"No Onika!"

We both struggled for a moment before the door opened and my Mom came out.

"Let her go now!" My Mom roared.

I let Onika go and she fell into my Mom's arms and hugged her.

"Beyonce, go take a walk now."

"I don't want to take a walk. Stop lying to me, Onika!"

"Leave me alone Bey."

"No! I told you to tell me the damn truth!"

I reached between my Mom and Onika and gripped her neck pushing her away from my Mom. In a blink she was up against the door with the quickness with a thud. Onika looked petrified and didn't dare breathe. My Mom pushed me hard enough to get me to let her neck go and Onika started to violently cough.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I thought looking at my Mom who was red in the face and angry. I looked back at Onika who was trying to regulate her breathing holding her head and neck. I shook my head and I exhaled sharply before walking away. This was not how I pictured today going.


Excuse all errors!

Comment are a nice btw. :)


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