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*Beyonce's P.o.v.*

(Friday 03-17)

I was so happy looking at my baby on the screen. We were going to find out the gender and have a gender reveal at St. Patrick's dinner tonight. Dr. Gabrielle wrote down what it was and passed it to Solange who left to get things together. She moved the wand and went over to the cyst. After a few measurements she stopped and wiped Onika's belly off of the gel. Onika took a deep breath and spoke.

"How bad is it?"

"It hasn't changed since the last appointment, so that's very good. I want to focus on doing that I told you. Eating right and drinking water. You've only gained two pounds since I last saw you and it went straight to the baby. You're twenty weeks and half way there, you have to eat more even if it's just protein. So have an extra piece of meat with your meals."

Onika nodded and I bit my lip before speaking.

"Onika isn't just eating like she should, she's been depressed."

"Stop it Beyonce." Onika said sitting up.

"Beyonce, please step out." Dr. Gabrielle said reaching over in a drawer.

I nodded and left out and stood in the hall and looked on my socials for a moment. I texted Lauren back approving her vacation that started tomorrow and transferred a couple thousand into her account so she could have more fun. Ten minutes passed before Onika came out with tear stained cheeks. She ran past me and Dr. Gabrielle came over.

"Nicki isn't truly depressed. Its more so anxiety than anything else. I told her that she'll be okay and I think that I'll start seeing her more frequently to try to put her mind at ease even if it's just a quick check. Try to get her to eat and just keep telling her that it's okay and remind her that the baby is doing really well."

"Thank you Dr. Gabrielle, we were going to have brunch after this so I'll make sure she eats good."

"Good because the baby despite that is eating good and I just don't want her to lose the little bit of weight she did gain."

"I understand, Thanks Doc."

I headed off in Onika's direction and found her coming out of the bathroom at the end of the hall. She had red puffy eyes and was dabbing them with a few balled up tissues. I hugged her and wrapped her in my arm as we left the office. I didn't want to make her sit up in a restaurant upset so I ordered our food to go and went home. At home, Ally was taking a nap with my Mom on the couch. We quietly walked past and went into what would be the new baby's nursery. It was just gray and white so far and we had a new crib, rocking chair and end table in there. Mom had started buying diapers and we had a few boxes stacked up in the corner. Onika put the new ultrasound picture up and we left the room and went to the master suite and sat in our sitting area. I started to eat and she sat putting her head back and closing her eyes. I ate half of my food before putting it up and moving closer to Onika and started to rub on her baby bump. I pulled her into me and held her and eventually she fell asleep. It was barely 12 and the party was at 5. I didn't want Onika to sleep without eating but I figured it was best to let her rest. I laid her down and went to my office and called Solange and then double checked who all was coming to the dinner. I yawned and shook my head. I finally called Robyn since she's been avoiding me and it was annoying. She didn't answer after two calls so I counted it as a dub. I went back to the bedroom and curled up next to Onika and went to sleep.


*Onika's P.o.v.*

I wasn't feeling too great mainly because the smell of Guinness beer was strong in the restaurant but I was so excited to find out what the baby was. I was in a better mood and had already had some corned beef and cabbage. Solange didn't buy a cake this time so I curious to see what we were doing. We ate and laughed together before we stepped outside to the parking lot. Solange had a big black balloon tied down on a four leaf clover statute. I smiled and looked at all of us in our St. Patrick's green and got a little nervous. Bey pulled me close and kissed my cheek and Ally was brought over and given a little pin. Bey picked her up and I moved in and we started to count down. I was looking for my Mom in the group of people we invited and didn't see her. Didn't see Robyn either or my brother 'Ciah. My heart sank as blue confetti and glitter flew past me in the wind. Everyone jumping up in down and smiling didn't make me smile. Bey hugged me and gave me a big kiss and was wiping away tears. I was happy I was having a boy but confused as what Rob and Carol's problem was. Soon the dinner was wrapped up and we went home. I wanted some air so I slipped out while Bey was giving Ally a bath. I went over to Rob's and I knocked on the door and she opened it with a glass of white wine in hand. She surprisingly let me in and I walked in and she closed the door. As always her house as clean and she was watching a 'Naija' movie.

"What do you want Nicki?" Rob asked her accent thick.

"I wanted to ask why you haven't been around, you won't call back Bey and you missed the dinner tonight."

"Busy." Rob grumbled.

"Too busy for your family Robyn Rihanna Fenty?" I yell.

"You should have been my family." Rob mumbled sipping her wine walking away.

"What? What did you say?"

"Nothing....forget it."

"No, I heard what you said but I don't understand that. Why would you say that?"

"Why didn't you leave Bey?"


"All those years ago when she was acting a fool and playing you, Why didn't you leave?"

" and I loved her."


"I'm not lying."

"You are. You didn't leave Bey because you felt guilty about what we did."

"Shut up Robyn."

"No, You came in here to get it so it's given. You were scared to leave Bey because of what we did. You and I had sex twice and the guilt from it made you stay. You knew if Beyonce found out she would have kicked your ass to the curb. She would have never wanted you knowing I had you."

"We had sex one time but twice in that night when we got drunk and Bey and I were at odds and I was on the verge of quitting."

"You cried to me every fucking night for a month about Bey not wanting to take the next step and take you seriously, Bey literally told you she didn't want to be in a relationship and I told you to cut your losses. I told you that I would help you and take care of you Onika. I would have done anything for you."


"No, you know it's true. You know you wanted me and I felt it. I felt it when we had sex Nicki. I felt it when you touched me."

"Rob, What about my Mom? You're fucking her."

"I only did that to get back at you stupid bitch!" Rob said as her hand stung my face.

I grabbed it as she grabbed me.

"Yes, fucking your Mom was cute and was safe pussy but your Mom wanted to try again with your Dad so we haven't been fucking since the last time. She's happy and I'm happy. But I wanted to hurt you Nicki. I wanted you to feel what I feel when I have to sit up in you and Beyonce's house and watch you with Ally."

"Robyn I'm sorry but I love Beyonce and I wished we could have talked before it came to this."

"What do you see in her? She's done you so wrong? The abuse, the cheating, Diamonte, the pregnancy stress, the Megan shit which caused the Chris shit, and then getting you pregnant like nothing ever happened."

"I love her, that's all Robyn. I never loved you outside of friendship. I'm sorry that we had sex, I was drunk and at a low point."

"You lied to me, you told me that you loved me Nicki. I was deep inside and you grabbed my face and said 'I love you Robyn'."

"Rob, people say things when they climax and I just said that. I do love you but not in the way that I love Beyonce. I'm sorry."

"You will be." Rob said pressing her body into me letting me feel her hard dick on my thigh.

I swallowed hard. My PTSD from being with Chris had my body frozen.



Excuse all errors


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