Come see about me

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*Beyonce's P.o.v*

We left the movie theatre and I immediately got a call from Lauren but I wasn't in the mood to talk so I ignored it and put my phone on airplane mode. Mom and I went to the truck and I put a sleeping Ally in her car seat. I got in the driver seat and pulled off.

"Beyonce pull over at the store parking lot. We need to talk."


I pull over in a grocery store parking lot and adjust my seat. "Yes?"

"Beyonce, do you want to stay married?"

"...I mean...yeah."

"You don't sound too sure about that."

"I do and I am. I'm just so mad at the Midget!"

"Mad that she could have really ended up with someone who acted like a decent partner to her? Who would have loved Alexandria like his?"

"....Yes." I grumble.

"You kill me Beyonce, it's so 'On' and 'Off' with you. Either you all in or your all out and running the streets but this time, it's not just affecting you and Nicki, it's affecting Alexandria."

"Look, I want to be 'All in' with Nicki but I also don't want her being cute in dudes faces."

"I don't want her to be in anyone else's face either but she was telling the truth! At the Turkey drive, Tate kissed her because the camera guy told him to for optics. Nicki is a beautiful woman and Tate is fine so the image of 'pretty' people doing charity is what they wanted in the local paper."

"She should have told me."

"She said she forgot because it wasn't a thing for her. You jumped down her back about that when you of all people have no room to say anything because before and after Ally was born, you were a hoe."

"Not the whole time."

"No, it was like the whole time and Nicki was stressed out all the time over you and when she was pregnant I swore out you were going to kill her and that baby. I see history is about to repeat it's self."

"What do you mean?" I ask thinking about what I wanted for dinner.

"Beyonce, I know you aren't listening to me. Look at me."

I turned my head to my Mom expecting her to hit me but she cradled my face and spoke low.

"You are a horrible partner to your wife. I don't blame her from wanting attention outside of the home that you put division in. You are the cause of Nicki getting with Chris which led to her being abused. Chris could have killed your wife and you would have been absolutely sick over it. Dog ass bitches like you don't miss something until it gone."


"Repeat after me, 'I am a dog ass bitch!"


"Do, it!"

"I'm a dog ass bitch."

"Say again with feeling."

"I'm a dog ass bitch!"

"Good, now let that marinate in your spirit and take us by the florist to get some flowers and take your ass in that house and beg forgiveness and have a real conversation with your wife then tomorrow, you two have a conversation with Alexandria and make her understand that you are Dog ass bitch but you are going to do better."

"Yes M'am."

"Now, let's get moving and I'll make dinner tonight."

I drove over to the florist and put my phone out of airplane mode so I could text Lana that she didn't have to worry about dinner. My phone was soon indudated with missed call notices and texts. Before I could look at anything Lauren called.

Entanglements II : A BeyNika Story (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now