Brunch & Lies

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*Onika's P.o.v.**

I got up early in the morning before Bey and did my morning routine before I took a long shower. I needed to work the knots out of my back and the shower head did the trick. I dried off and changed into a cream off the shoulder sweater and maternity jeans. I slipped on my cheetah print pumps and brushed my hair down and back. With a little lip gloss and some mascara I grabbed my bag and left a sleeping Beyonce in the bed. I checked on Ally who was up and changed thanks to Mama Tina who was in her room brushing her hair up.

"Good Morning Baby and grandson."

"Good Morning Mama, Ladybug."

"Morning Mommy, Morning PapaBear. Mommy when is he coming out of your tummy?" Ally said hugging me.

"Soon Ladybug, Are you excited to meet him?"

"Yes, I want to dress him up!"

"Me too Ally!" I reply matching her enthusiasm.

"Not until your due date please Nicki. I want him nice and fat." Mama Tina said rubbing my belly.

"He is nice and fat now, Dr. Gabrielle was like he's at least 5 almost 6 pounds."

"Wow, she thinking of letting you go the full 40 weeks?"

"She hasn't decided, we think he's just going to come early. Anyway, Thank you for watching Ally for me. I don't want to keep Lauren and Normani waiting."

"No problem, we'll probably see ya'll out there."

I kiss them both and leave out the room. I was down by the front door as Wayne pulled up to pick me up. I got in the car with him and he drove me down to the brunch spot. We went in and he got a table away and I sat with Lauren and Normani. They had already ordered a spread and we started to eat and talk.

"Nicki, please tell me something?"

"What 'Mani?"

"Did you and Bey use the same sperm donor for this baby like Ally?"

"Yes." I grin.

"Who did you go through?"


"I was thinking of doing that maybe in a year and wanted references. So whose sperm did you use because Ally looks so much like Bey that she could be hers too. Are you sure it wasn't a family donation?"

"It was."

"From who?"

I looked at Lauren and she smirked and shook her head.

"'Mani, we'll talk about this later on. I think you'll need a visual."

"Ok...ay. Look there's Robyn!" Normani said pointing outside of Robyn walking in.

Robyn walked to the takeout cart and grabbed her order before Normani got her attention. I sighed and Lauren shot me a look as Robyn walked over. She smiled at everyone and Normani spoke.

"Sit Rob, you shouldn't eat alone."

"Cool. How was ya'll's breakfast?" Rob asked sitting.

"Really good, I'm so full." Normani said smiling.

"Me too, I shouldn't have eaten so much fruit." Lauren said sipping her hot tea.

"What about you Nicki? Your plate seems pretty full still."

"I had enough." I reply quietly.

A car alarm went off outside and Lauren groaned. She got up and Normani followed saying that they'd be back. Robyn's eyes followed them out before turning to me. I swear those green orbs were like a truth serem. I could never look Bey or Rob in the eyes and lie.

"Why did you keep quiet about last night? I would have been shot at by now if Bey knew."

"I excused it as you just dealing with your feelings, nothing more. Don't ruin your friendship with us over something we can't do."

"We? So you want too?"

"No, I didn't say that. I don't want to do anything Robyn. I'm married and pregnant for your best friend. Please don't mess up your friendship with her over me."

"Stop talking."


"Eat your food."

"Excuse me?" I reply confused as hell that she was giving me orders like I was her girl.

"Eat your food, you look hungry and I'm sure the baby is too."

Rob opened her food bag and pulled out her breakfast croissant and started to eat before looking at me. She pulled her phone out and put it to her ear.

"Hey...what you doing? Grabbing breakfast yeah I saw them. You might want to talk to Nicki. She just sitting at the table not eating. Right....right...I know...She hard headed. But you know I had to let you know. Don't worry about it."

Robyn hung up and my phone rang with Bey on a Facetime call. I looked at Rob and answered it.

"Onika, I'm not trying to upset you but you need to eat. I understand that PapaBear be acting up but please eat your food. Skipping meals makes it worse and you don't want to end up in the hospital, again do you?" Bey yelled through the phone.

"No." I reply quietly.

"Good. Prop me up and eat."

I sigh and prop the phone in front of me and started to eat the left over food on my plate. Truly I had eaten my fill and was trying not to push it. I was slowly eating when Lauren and Normani came back.

"Someone hit my bumper and tried to play it off. But its okay, I got the information and a police officer saw." Lauren said sitting.

            "Good thing it wasn't too bad." Rob said nicely eating her food.

"Nicki, you good?"

I nod at Normani and continue eating. Not really looking up because Bey was literally grilling me through the phone. She was in the bedroom pretty much topless in only a bra.

"Who you are talking to?" Lauren asked taking my phone. "Oh, Eww, it's Diablo. How was warm was hell today?"

"About as hot as the unemployment office, don't play with me Lauren." Bey quipped.

"Whatever, we meeting soon right?"

"Yeah, in a few hours. Let me talk to Onika."

Lauren handed me my phone and she looked at me and pointed down. I pointed my phone down she could see my plate and that it was empty. She looked back at me and squinted before pointing to her neck. I quickly clasped my hand over the bruise I had on my neck and tried to think quick.

"I slept... on my tennis bracelets." I reply looking at then in my phone.

I had on three diamond tennis bracelets that I didn't take off last night thankfully. I didn't feel like fooling with the clasps so I left them on. Hope she buy this lie. She's already mad at me. I thought.

Bey looked at me thinking before nodding. She licked her lips and hung up. I sighed and hung up before looking at Normani and Lauren who were smirking.


" a damn lie. Who you got giving you hickies Pregnant lady?" Lauren asked.

"No one, I need to go. I'll see ya'll later at Solange's."

I stood and tossed a fifty on the table to help with brunch. Rob looked at me and gave me an innocent smile. I rolled my eyes and left with Wayne. 


excuse all errors.

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