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*Onika's P.o.v.**

I smelled my rose looking at Beyonce jealous ass who was trying to go fight Tate. Julius came around with the truck and I got her in. In the backseat, I straddled Bey and smiled.

"You big mad Papi?"

"Hell Yeah, he up here being cute." Bey said crossing her arms.

I lean forward on Bey's lap and pressed my lips to her ear beginning to whisper.

"Whose a jealous Papi? So busy fucking the hoes you forgot what you had at home."

I roll my hips making my pussy rub on Bey's hard dick. She was mad and horny a bad combo.

"You fuck him?"

"No questions remember, you made that rule."



Julius got us home quick and Bey went to her office. I got undressed and took a shower before slipping my yellow coat back on and another pair of heels. I walked down to Bey's office and closed the door.

"What?" Bey asked looking up from her book.

"Knock-knock. Let me sit on your cock."

"Not in the mood." Bey grumbled.

"Oh, that's too bad." I replied crossing the room and sitting across from her on a chair. I slowly put a leg on the side of the desk top flashing my bare pussy to her.

I slowly slid my coat open and started to rub my breasts gaining Bey's full attention. I stuck my tongue out as I started to twist and pinch my nipples letting soft moans leave my body. I slid my other hand down my body and started to slowly circle my clit. The look of lust took Bey over and she moved her chair over.

"On my desk, now!"

I smile sweetly getting up and sitting on her desk with my legs spread wide.

"Eat my pussy you jealous ass bitch!" I purr.

Bey's brows knitted together and she just looked at me.

"You think I'm going to do that? I'm going to bed."

"Excuse you?" I reply sitting up and closing my legs.

"It's late and I have work in the morning."

"Fuck off Beyonce!" I reply grabbing the stapler and throwing in at the wall. "You are really something! You can go off and fuck hoes like I wasn't at home but get mad when I get a little attention from someone? You weren't even this mad when I started talking to Chris."

"Because I knew Chris was just some fuckboy, he wasn't going to marry you, get pregnant maybe but never want a family. Tate would wife you in a heartbeat! He'd probably be faithful and kiss your ass like the world revolved around it."

"! You are that threatened by that man?"

"Yup! I don't want you talking to him no more, quit that job and take your ass upstairs and take care of my child."

"Kiss my fucking ass Beyonce! I hate you! You can do what you want but a nigga can't be nice to me?"

"You don't want a nice guy Onika because you would have talked to Tate instead of Chris. Tate is hitting on you and your too dumb to see it! So yeah, I'm being jealous but are we not back together? Don't let his flirting be the cause of a break up because I will not take you back if you fuck him."

"Excuse you! You got some nerve! I took you back. Apparently it was a mistake."

"No the mistake was you fucking that man that was putting his hands on you. That was the first fuck up when you didn't leave right after! That man was beating your ass and you stayed. He could have hurt Alexandria!"

"Wow Beyonce, I swear you just...never fail to disappoint me. Just when I think that you are turning a corner you do some dumb shit that makes me question every thing you say and everything you do!"

"You don't get to play innocent in this. I asked you about being open, you said 'Yes'. I asked you about being with Megan in like a threesome situation and you said 'Yes'. You watched me fuck Megan in front of you and yet, you said nothing. I thought you didn't love me anymore, you didn' didn't stop me from myself."


"You knew I was weak and you let me fall into the arms of other women when all I wanted was for you to stand your ground with me and tell me 'No' and hold me accountable."

I was outdone. I didn't know what to say watching Bey start to cry. Bey pulled me into a hug and cried like some damn baby. I was so confused. The confusion mounted as I was woken up by the sun shinning on my bare ass. I carefully sat up and saw that I was naked on Bey's office floor with hickies all over my body and a all too familiar pain between my legs.

That bitch sympathy fucked me? What kind of mind trick is that? I thought slowly getting up.

I grabbed my jacket and put it on before limping from the office. I walked up to the Master and showered before getting ready for the day putting on a bra and panties with a pink cleavage bearing long sleeve shirt and ripped jeans. I pulled my hair into a bun and walked over to Ally's room. There was up jumping on her bed.

"Mommy! I had candy!"

"You did? How much?"

Ally pointed to her Halloween bucket that was missing a considerable amount of candy.

"Dios mio! (My God) Alexandria!" I reply shaking my head.

I grabbed Ally and helped her off the bed. I got Ally get ready for the day and changed her into a pink shirt, and gray jogging suit. I put on her socks and gray Nikes before taking her braids down and leaving her hair out with a unicorn headband. Ally happily went downstairs with me and into the kitchen.

"Mommy! Pancakes!"

"No M'am, you had too much sugar."


"No, we are going to have breakfast out." I reply getting my slides.

I grab my purse and put on my black Chanel sneakers and leave the house. Normally, I didn't leave the house without anyone but I guess Beyonce didn't think to leave someone to guard me. In the car, I drove Ally and I to this little cafe that I frequented. There Ally and I got a seat on the outside and had eggs and turkey bacon. I was enjoying my the last of my coffee when I felt an arm go around my waist. I looked back and saw Tate.

"Hey ladies!"

"Oh, Hey Tate. What are you doing here?"

"This is where I brought you on our breakfast date remember?" Tate said sitting.

"Oh, yeah. I remember." I laugh.

"You look nice today Baby."

"Thank you Tate."

"Mommy, Target!" Ally said picking her juice cup.

"Yeah, we have to get going soon Tate."

"It's okay Baby, I'll see you two cuties later. Buy something nice from me, little Princess." Tate said giving Ally and folded twenty dollar bill.

"Tank you!" Ally said cheesing putting her money in her little Frozen purse.

"Buy something nice for yourself Baby." Tate said kissing my cheek and pressing a small clip of money in my hand that was resting on my thigh almost brushing against my pussy.

Tate left and I finished my coffee and took Ally to the bathroom before leaving to go to Target. At Target, I looked at the money that he gave me and saw that it was five crispy hundred dollar bills, my compensation for last night. Ally walked into the Toy aisle and she and I wandered looking at the toys. I was watching Ally look at a doll when I spotted Megan a few aisles away.


Excuse all errors!

Comment boos! plz!


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