Glitter Slime: Part 2

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*Onika's P.o.v**

I woke up and my lower half felt numb but I needed to get up

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I woke up and my lower half felt numb but I needed to get up. I started my period thankfully and needed to get cleaned up.  I got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to get situated. I looked at my phone app and saw that I was a day early and probably started early because Chris fucked the hell out me last night. Not too surprising, Bey could start my period early too, if she fucked me hard enough, mainly when she would hate-fuck me. After finishing up I started to clean the house. I changed and washed sheets first and washed Ally's bear while I had the chance. I did Ally's and mine laundry and ordered groceries. I put them up and checked my phone to see Bey invited me over dinner at Ally's request at Mama Tina's. I texted back 'Okay' and prepped some snacks for Ally of cut up fruit and cheeses. I got dressed and changed into a all black fit with my pink Nikes.

I did my hair and makeup not even wanting too but I didn't want Bey to say anything

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I did my hair and makeup not even wanting too but I didn't want Bey to say anything. I grabbed my purse and packed a small overnight bag just in case and left. Driving over to Bey's I started to zone out. I wanted my wife back but I couldn't deal with the cheating even if I agreed to letting her having random sex it wasn't random with Megan, she was almost a sisterwife. Bey was fucking Megan like she was married to her. Bey literally stopped fucking me before we separated. The shit was so crazy and it made me mad. I was pissed as hell when I pulled up to Mama Tina's house. I started to cramp making my mood worse. Walking into Mama Tina's house, she had made chicken and rice and Ally was at the table rolling out cookies.

"Mommy! I make cookies for you!"

"That's awesome Ally, Good girl. Hello everyone."

"Hey Baby girl, you okay?" Bey asked looking at my gait.

I knew I was walking funny from the beating and putting my tampon in funny. I nodded and went to the bathroom to fix the later situation. I washed my hands and popped some Midol from my purse. I went back out to the table and sat quietly watching Ally talk to us and press out cookie cutouts with Bey who had flour all over her arms from Ally's excitement.

"Mommy, you want to help?"

"No Ally, I'm just watching." I reply slightly rubbing my stomach.  The bruise and the cramps had my stomach hurting and swollen. Chris hitting me again in the same spot made it swell.

"Come wash your hands Allybear." Mama Tina said pulling Ally's chair back from the table.

"Okay GG!" Ally said running off down the hall. Mama Tina followed and I felt a warm hand on my stomach.

"Talk to me." Bey said quietly.

"I'm fine, just cramps." I answer in barely a whisper.

Bey leaned over and looked me in the eyes making me look away.

"I still love you Mamas."

"Please stop, you know that's a lie." I snap.

"I do! I never stopped loving you."

"Couldn't love me enough to get over this 'open marriage' shit and just be with me."

"You said you were cool with it!"

"I'm...I can't argue about this no more. It's a moot point."

"Uh-huh, your new dude hit you didn't he?"

"No, I fell bringing in groceries. Look, I'll be over to get Ally tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend." I say getting up and leaving.

I was so upset about Beyonce and needed someone to talk to. I went over to Lauren's house and sat up with her talking until 12 in the morning. Leaving Lauren's I was emotionally worn out I ended up at Chris' house by accident. I was on weekend auto pilot. Before I could leave, Chris came up to the car and opened it.

"Come in Baby."

I got out and Chris walked with me inside the house. In the house, I quickly told Chris I was on my period and he rolled his eyes. He pulled me into his bedroom and gave me a bag. Chanel. I opened it and the box inside to pull out the new white bag and wallet. Chris kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you. No one loves me like you especially Beyonce, she wouldn't do you like that if she did. Beyonce is selfish and only loves herself. Your just her baby mama to her. I'm the only person that loves you Baby. You're mine and as soon as you get off your period, we're going to make a son."

I shuddered at the idea of having a son for Chris. I couldn't even think about going through that with him. I'm stupid for saying but I'm scared of what will happen if I leave. I'm not dumb and I know Chris and his crew will not hesitate to kill all of us. I'm so stupid for even giving Chris a damn way into my life.

I felt a tear fall and Chris gave me a kiss and wiped it away.

"Don't cry Nicki, I love you too death and I mean that." Chris said forcefully pulling in for a kiss.

"I need to go home Chris."

"That's cool, I'll see you in a few days. I got to run to New York to see my people."

"Okay, safe trip."

"Come give me some head before you go Baby, I love that thing you do with your tongue."

Chris pulled to the bed and he sat and pulled his pants down. I grabbed a baby wipe from my purse and wiped it off before I ran my hand up and down his dick getting it hard. I quickly thought of Beyonce before 'all this shit' and started to give Chris the A1 head game. Chris nutted and I immediately spit it out into two baby wipes.

"Damn Baby, that was good but you need to learn to swallow."

I looked at up at him before getting up and tossed out the wipe. I rinsed my mouth out and grabbed my things and left. I went home and brushed my teeth and gargled with mouthwash twice before swallowing some. I sat on my bed and saw that Ally was trying to Facetime. Ally and I talked and she eventually fell asleep and Bey took the tablet.

"You've been crying."

"It's life. Good night Beyonce."

"No, wait, I wanted to ask. Can you and Ally come with me to Rome in a week? I wanted to take her for the first wave of Fashion week and I know you would like to see Donatella plus it's a birthday trip for me."

"Yeah, I guess that's okay."

"Cool, Lauren will give you the information."


"Don't cry Mamas, I love you."

"Please stop saying that, I know that you don't love me, you do nothing to show it." I reply hanging up and crying myself to sleep.


Excuse all errors!

Comment Boos! and you might get another chpt tonight.


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