Therapy Session

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Onika's p.o.v.-

It was three in the morning when Bey came home. When she went to take a shower, I got up and went into another room. I was still upset over earlier and really wasn't in the mood to talk it out or fight. I lay in bed looking at the horizon and the sun soon come up behind it. I got up and walked to Ally's room. She was still asleep. I walked into the bedroom and saw that Bey had left for work. I took a shower and changed into a white t-shirt and gray biker shorts. I brushed my hair up into a ponytail and made myself busy cleaning the bathroom savoring the smell of the bleach spray used. I walked into the bedroom and changed the sheets before going into the closet. I was still packing my hospital bag and deciding on what to take. Now that we were having more than one baby, I might have to stay longer in the hospital. I was pulling a shirt out to switch with another when I saw an appointment card on my table. I read it and saw that it was for a new therapist and it was for 3 p.m. in the house. I sigh and shook my head at having to do it. I finished in the closet and went back ton Ally's room. She was up watching TV and sucking one of the twin's new pacifiers.

"Ally, you know that's for Sissy."

"But I want it. It's chewy." Ally said gnawing on it.

I roll my eyes and take her into the bathroom to get ready. I picked out a yellow cotton dress for her and put her hair into two ponytails. She wanted to wear her bumble bee chain so I put it on her and she put on her sandals and we went downstairs. In the kitchen, I made Ally some oatmeal and I had some and a protein smoothie. Ally was finishing her juice when she went to the living room and came back with her bucket and shovel. I nodded and grabbed my sunhat and one for her and we walked down to the beach. We sat on the sand making a sand castle.

"Mommy, can we bring the twins here?"

"Yes, I think they'll like playing with you."

"Can we go to Nana house?"

"Oh, I think she's busy today but I'll call her and ask."

"Nana said we were going to have a sleep over and order pizza!"

"Did she?" I reply cutely.

"You and Papi can come too. We can have lots of pizza."

"We'll see Ladybug. When Mommy goes to pick up the babies from the hospital do you want to stay with Nana or GG?"

"Aunt Solo!"

"Okay. I'll ask."

"Can I go in the water?"

"Umm.. not right now Ally, I don't feel like trying to hold us both up in the water."

Ally frowned and crossed her arms.

"Not fair!"

"I didn't say it was. Ally, I can't right now. I'm sorry."

"I want to go home."

"Fine, grab your stuff."

Ally angryily grabbed her things and stood. I got up and brushed the sand off of both of us and we walked back to the house. At the house, Lana met us at the door and took Ally to get cleaned up. I got cleaned up and changed into a new pair of shorts. I went up to Ally's room and saw her in a new dress playing with her Barbies.

"Can I play with you?"


"Ally, don't be mad at me."

"Not mad."

"Want to talk about it?"

"No, go away!"

Entanglements II : A BeyNika Story (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now