Trinidadian Pineapples

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*Onika's P.o.v.**

After talking to Mama Tina I was hungry for something else. Gumbo was not going to sit in my stomach well so I didn't make myself eat it. A maid came in and took my bowl and Mama Tina asked if I wanted something else. I nodded and asked if I could have toast with jam and sautéed onions. She grinned and proceeded to make it. I was eating it when my Mom came in with Rob behind her. I looked away from them and tried to finish my food. My Mom came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and touched my shoulder bandages.

"I prayed for you all night that you'd be okay Onika."

"Thanks. I'm fine. I just want to eat." I mumble.

"That baby is going to be mean as hell." Rob said lowly in the kitchen.

"Have a good night." I reply dryly.

I got up from the table and walked over to the elevator. They were lucky we weren't at home because I would have broken the dishes on the table. Back up at our rooms I checked on Ally and straightened up the toys she pulled out. I brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom. I sat on the bed and tried to lie back and rest my shoulder but the angle of the pillows was weird and had my hips hurting. The door opened and closed and Bey came in. Bey smiled at me and sat next to me in the bed. She adjusted the pillows for me and started to rub my hips.

"How did you know?" I ask feeling a wave of relief wash over me.

"Because I know, you carry my babies in the front and in your hips. Does that hurt?" Bey asks still rubbing my hips.

"No, Can I ask a question?"


"How long do we have to be here Beyonce?"

"Just for a little while. I promise it won't be long."

Bey leaned forward and gave me a peck on the cheek and continued to rub my hips. I felt tears stinging my eyes and they soon began to fall.

"What's the matter Baby girl?"

"I want to go home." I mumble.

Bey grabbed a tissue from the night stand and wiped my tears. Bey moved in closer between my thighs and she hugged me.

"Shhh! Shhh! Don't cry I promise that we are going to go home soon. I know that you want to get into a house before the baby gets here and we will. Let's go online and look at what the realtor sent over.

I nod. Bey pulled out her MacBook. She opened it and we started to look at houses. We had already picked out a condo but that was light work. But the pregnancy had me anxious about our living arrangements and I wanted to move to a new house soon. I wanted Ally to have her own room again and I wanted the new baby to have a proper nursery and to have it set up before he or she came. After looking for an hour I was tired and I wanted to turn in for bed but wanted to be able to get keep tabs on Ally. Luckily Bey realized that our rooms were connected and opened the two sets of door that let us see right into Ally's room. Bey gave Ally a bath and got her dressed for bed and she snuggled her until she fell asleep. Bey came back to bed with me and cuddled into me before she went to sleep and I soon followed suit.

A few hours later, I woke up feeling hungry. I got up and left the room and went down to the kitchen. I was surprised to see Aubrey making himself a drink.

"Hello Nicki, Are you looking for a late night snack?"

"Yes, the baby has me hungry."

"I'll make you a surprise, go up to your room and I bring it in."

"Alright. Thank you Aubrey."

I got up and started to email back someone and by the time I was done I was completely turned around and by a door. I was going to walk away when I heard some muffled screams. Thinking it was Rob and Carol fucking again, I opened the door. Locking eyes with who was inside I felt the blood rush up and down my body. Before I could do anything else I was pulled back and two tall figures ran in and collected the lump of a body and carried it away. I was shaking and felt like crying.

"Don't cry Nicki, he's a horrible person and he's going to be dealt with. You aren't the only woman he hurt; don't blame yourself for his fate." Aubrey said behind me.

Aubrey's arm was strong around my waist as I looked off in the direction the men took Chris.

"How did he get here? Are you going to kill Chris? He's...going to kill me being that we are under the same roof."

"No, he's going somewhere else. We don't want you to ever feel unsafe. This was oversight by some guards that will be handled immediately."

I saw some blood drops on the floor and it made my stomach feel sick. I instantly thought about me and Chris' last encounter and got upset. Aubrey had me back in the main part of the house as Rob came by leaving my Mom's room. It was bad timing on her part. I slammed myself into Robyn and her body went straight to the wall as I felt a pinch in my side.

"I fucking hate that you're screwing my Mother and I want you to stop. Be a decent friend and leave her alone! I don't touch your Mom's you don't touch mine. You know that shit is wrong and after all it caused us you and her going to keep it up?"

"We're grown!" Rob huffed.

"Fine, then I'm going to beat your ass like you're grown."

"Sit you 5,2 ass down somewhere. It isn't my fault your Mom got a wet tight pussy and wants me in it. Take it up with her. But we are grown Nicki and I can have sex with her if I like. She's is your Mom but she's also a single woman."

"But you aren't, What about Dejah?"

"We weren't shit. Just a distraction until I could get my mature Trinidadian wine back."


"She's taste so good, I know why Bey keeps coming back to you, you and your Mama taste like some Trinidadian pineapples with honey on top. So forgive me that I like sticking my big dick and tongue in your Mama and make her call my name."

"Nasty, fucking Alzheimer pussy, shameful."

"Don't play Carol you Midget."

"Don't play yourself, what is the end game? Ya'll getting married?"

Before Rob could answer me I felt my body flush with heat and I felt woozy. Aubrey grabbed me back from Rob and picked me up as it all went dark.



Excuse all errors.


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