Truly, Happy

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It happened so fast. I had the twins and one was gone to the hospital and the other was suckling on my breast. I was in the back of an ambulance as Dr. Gabrielle took my vitals. My fever had came down and I was feeling better in that sense but I was scared for my baby daughter and Beyonce. I didn't want her to blame herself for what happened. Everyone was following me to the hospital and my Mom sat next to me rubbing my thigh. At the hospital, PapaBear was taken to the nursery to be examined and I was taken back to get final care and into a room. It felt good to shower and clean the day away. I put on a purple nursing tank top and matching pajama pants. Mom gathered everyone as they showed up to the hospital and Dr. Gabrielle came in with another Doctor. They both wheeled me to the NICU where baby girl had her own little section and was swaddled getting air through a nasal cannula while connected to a few monitors. Bey turned to me and hugged me and gave me a kiss. She held me for a moment before letting me go.

"Okay Ladies, this little one is going to be okay. She just had a hard time breathing on her own there for a moment. We are going to keep her here so we keep an eye on her. Her breathing has stabilized and we are just giving her a little help to keep her from doing too much. Labor was a lot for her." The pediatrician said adjusting a tube and scooping the small bundle up.

I looked at Bey who looked like she was still going through it and the Pediatrician gave her the baby to hold. Bey held her close and just broke down crying. I'd never seen her cry so hard. The Dcotor's stepped into another part of the NICU and Mama Tina came in and washed her hands and sat with us.

"Bey, Don't cry, she'll be okay." I say rubbing her back.

"It's all my fault, Tinkerbell is in this situation because of me."

"Bey, that's not true, we knew that the baby's lungs might have been an issue at the last appointment but she's okay just tiny, we're all okay."

"Oh my God! How are you? Onika, I'm so sorry that just happened. You did amazing and I did nothing." Bey said hugging me after Mama T took the baby.

Bey and I held each and talked for a moment before the baby's nurse came over and said that I could try to feed the baby. She latched on right away just like PapaBear and started to nurse. I was happy I had a milk to give them. Not even two days ago my milk started to come in, guess my body knew that they were coming. The Pediatrician kept a close eye on baby girl's vitals as she nursed for fifteen minutes before going to sleep. Back in my room, I was filling out their birth certificates as everyone fawned over PapaBear's chunky alertness and watched the video of Tinkerbell from the NICU. Everyone soon left and Bey and I finished the paperwork with a Nurse.

"So Nikoli Roman Knowles, 9 pounds 3 oz born at 8:32 p.m., Giselle Elizabeth Knowles. 5 pounds, 1 oz. at 8:38 p.m." The Nurse said showing us their birth certificates.

We both nodded and she left and I leaned over looking at PapaBear sleeping on Onika's chest.

"He's so big verses Tinkerbell, that four pound difference is wild."

"I know, no wonder we couldn't see her. He was hogging all the space."

"We didn't have to name her after me, you know, Nikole would have been fine."

"No, she looked like a Giselle. More so than Ally did."

"Onika, I truly am sorry about how I've been. I just never would have thought I would have ended up here with you and my children. I thought I was just going to be in the streets forever. But I'm happy that I'm not. I love you and my babies so much. I never thought after the Megan situation that I would fight for my family like I have and for you. I owe you the world Mamas."

"Bey, it's okay. It takes two. I'm sorry that I didn't speak up sooner, make you and I take accountability sooner."

"I promise, I will never do anything like that again. You're all I want. You and my babies are my everything."

"Awww, you going to propose to me now?" I said chuckling.

            "No, But I am going to spoil you as soon as we can get out of here. You and my babies."

"I'm going to hold you to being better Bey. We've been through enough. Also, is Wayne?"

"Fine, surgery went well, he's resting."

"Thank God."

"Just relax, care for PapaBear, I'll help you get up to be with Tinkerbell for her feedings. The Doctor wanted you to rest as well. I'll make sure to bring the car seats so we won't forget like last time."

"That was funny, everyone showed up with a car seat." I grinned.

"Yes, Ally had a seat in everyone's car and still does."

I kiss Onika and PapaBear cheek and we pull up the NICU room to see Tinkerbell sleeping peacefully sucking her fingers.

"Aww, tell them to give her a pacifier. When you go back in."

I nod and move to rub Onika's feet putting her to sleep. I washed my hands and held PapaBear skin to skin enjoying his warmth and smell. I prayed for him and my girls. I prayed for myself and asked God to forgive me and thanked him for giving me and my family a chance again.



Four days later, all four of us left the hospital. I had Normani make some small changes to the house and I was happy to see them done when I got in. New security, a second gate, new alarms, and new paint all over the house. Ally had wanted her room painted a pale lilac so it worked out. I even updated the nursery and our bedroom so that it would be a fresh vibe. I didn't want Onika thinking about Megan or anyone else shit in the house. Ally and Onika had a moment at the front door and I brought my babies in. I told everyone that I wanted to get into a little routine before they came over. I wanted Onika to relax and to have Chloe in a routine first. Ally liked Chloe as she had the last three days alone, but she missed me more. I got the twins out and Ally came in. She was so excited to see the twins. PapaBear was awake so she went to him first kissing his chubby cheeks before holding Tinkerbell's hand. She commented about her being small and said she really was a little fairy. We talked for a moment before Onika sat to feed the babies and I took Ally to her room for some play time before dinner and bed. After checking the house and arming the alarm, I went up to see Chloe changing the diaper pail. I told her that I was happy she signed on and to let me know if she needed anything.

I walked into the master to see Onika on the bed next to a sleeping Ally, nursing Tinkerbell and talking to PapaBear who was propped up in front of her sucking a pacifier with sleepy eyes. I got on the bed and picked up PapaBear and held him while looking at Onika.

"I love you Midget."

"I love you too Giraffe."

We both grinned and I leaned over and kissed her cheek,

"I'm really sorry for the past almost 10 years of bull shit."

"It's okay, I'll forgive you in 10 years."


"I'm joking. I forgive you and myself."

"Thank you."

Onika and I shared a kiss and I kissed all my babies. I looked at us all in amazement and couldn't help feeling tears come to my eyes. The feeling I was chasing all these years was finally filled. I was truly happy and truly felt in love with a partner that loved me back.

--The End!

Hooray! I have other BeyNika and stories in my profile. 

Excuse all errors!

Thank you all for reading this. I never thought I'd do two books. LOL


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