Rumors & The Truth

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At home, I was barely in the door before Bey snatched me all the way in. She was still in her bra and basketball shorts. She looked me and my neck before looking down at my shoes.

"Take them off and stop playing Onika, I told you 'No heels'. You are going to fall."

"They're not even stilletos."

"What I say?"

I groan taking off my shoes and putting them in the nearby shoe rack. I cross my arms turning to Bey.

"You spicy this morning."

"Kiss my ass this morning." I reply quickly walking past.

I walked up the stairs and Bey was on my ass. In the bedroom, she closed the door and grabbed my from behind and put her lips on the side of my neck opposite of where Robyn got me.

"You in a mood Baby girl, Zaddy got to fix it."

Bey slid her hands down and unfastened my pants. She pulled them down and off before taking off my sweater. She started to kiss me while walking me back to the bed and grabbed my thighs and lifted me up. Bey started to rub my clit through my panties while kissing me down my chest. I felt her fingers slid into me and I groaned. I wasn't turned on and wanted to get up. Bey moved her fingers and took my hands and put them over my head. She straddled me and I felt her tip against my opening. She slowly slid in and instantly hit my g-spot making me jump a little.

"Is that the 'reset' button? Huh? To make you act right?"

"Shut up." I whine quietly.

Beyonce slid back out and slid back in going all the way to the back. She started to stroke looking down on me biting her lower lip. I looked away and she grabbed my neck. Her fingers trailed Rob's love bite before she let me go and grabbed my thighs. A while later she came and I was tired. I truly didn't care I didn't cum. After cleaning up, we got dressed to go to Solange's house. I didn't feel like doing the most so I put on a black tank top, black leggings and my pink UGG boots. I pulled my hair into a bun and grabbed my jean jacket. Bey came out of the closet in a aqua blouse, jeans and silver pumps.

"Baby girl, why you still got an attitude? What's the matter?"

"Nothing. You didn't have to call me at brunch. I'm not a child."

Bey nodded and started to rub my hips.

"You big mad, What's really the matter?"

"...Nothing, let's just go." I reply walking away and out the door.

We went downstairs and I grabbed the house warming gift for Solo and my purse. Bey grabbed her tote and we left to Solo's house. At Solo's new house, it was a nice turn out. I was surprised to see a few of Lauren's people there. Bey and Ally were eating some of the chicken wingettes that Mama Tina made and I was surprised to see my Mom and Rob in the kitchen eating. I didn't want to be around Rob at all so I stayed out of the kitchen and more to the backyard. I was sitting with Lauren's mom who was talking and rubbing on my belly. Too honest, I didn't want to be touched but I was letting it rock. PapaBear loved the attention and was calm when people rubbed me up. Soon Solo had us all go outside and she gave a speech. I was surprised when she turned to Lauren and got on one knee. Everyone started recording as Solange asked Lauren to marry her. I was in tears! Lauren said 'Yes' and Solange and her kissed and she gave Lauren a big ass diamond ring. Lauren hugged us all and I went in to go to the bathroom. I was leaving the bathroom when I heard Bey and Rob in another room. Curious, I walked over and stood by the door.

"You need to check Onika, she's been popping up on me. She got mad about me coming over the other day and then today when I was getting breakfast to go she made me call you that's why I said what I said to make her stop. She's playing with you Bey. I know she's pregnant but she's really acting like she trying to fuck me to get me back for the kitchen thing."

I felt the anger and rage take over me quickly but I held off because I wanted to know what Bey was going to say.

"She was acting a little weird today, I'll talk to her."

"Good, maybe even get a DNA test on the baby. I still think she was fucking with Tate."


"Yes, Some people from the club said that Tate and Nicki fucked in his office."

I took the deepest breath I could imagine because I was ready to kill that bitch. I walked away from the door and to Mama Tina and Carol.

"I need one of you to watch Ally for the night." I breath out.

"Sure, What's the matter Baby?" Mama Tina asks.

"I just need to get some air and to get away from someone. I'm literally going to have this boy." I reply bending at the waist holding my belly.

"Oh Nicki, Nicki, let's get you to the hospital." My Mom said quickly.

"I'm fine." I grunt standing up.

I took a few deep breaths as Mama Tina and my Mom came around me.

"Hey, Are you okay?" Mama Tina asks.

"I'm fine, he's just trying to break my water is all." I huff in pain.

"Why don't you sit Baby?" Mama Tina said trying to get me to sit.

"No, I want to leave this house." I say walking to the door.

I felt a contraction and stopped dead in my tracks and held the bottom of my bump that was tightening. Mama Tina came behind me and put her hands on my hips.

"Let me get Bey."

"No, I don't want to be around her right now."

"What the dog ass bitch do?" Mama Tina said shaking her head.

"Mama T please." I whine.

"Carol watch Ally, I'll take Onika to my house or maybe the hospital if baby boy keeps pushing it."

My Mom nodded as Ally came over to her wanting a drink. Tina and I left out and she started to drive and rubbed on my belly.

"Nicki, What did Bey do?"

"Nothing, I lied to her. We've been doing so good and she's been amazing and I lied to her. Robyn's been trying to seduce me or something and she's been pushing it. She bit my neck the other night and I lied to be about it. I didn't want to ruin my friendship but now Robyn's trying to ruin my marriage. She implied that I was cheating on Bey with Tate! She told her to get a DNA test for PapaBear."

"Oh wow, she's definitely on some new medication. The fuck? If Bey believe her, I'm whooping her ass myself."

"Don't blame Bey, I should have been honest. I just...I just... didn't want to ruin...thing."

"You okay Nicki?"

I closed my eyes tight as pain rolled through me and PapaBear got active and started pushing his head against my cervix. I had a really bad contraction and felt my pants get wet.

"Nicki, Baby?"

"I think my water just broke." I say lip trembling and heart racing.



Excuse all errors!


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