Rest & Sleep

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.**

Robyn and I went out the back and walked around to the driveway loop. I hoped in her truck and took Rob to get some ice cream then home. At Robyn's house, she went to take her medication before getting distracted by a phone call. I walked over to the counter and read the bottles. All were the same but one. I opened the new bottle and quickly poured the pills into my pocket. I felt my other pocket and felt the mints that Ally had 'hidden' from when we went to Target a few days ago and poured them into her pill bottle and placed it back. Before taking a picture of the label. Rob came back this time without a shirt and proceeded to take her pills.

"Robyn, I want you to rest. You need sleep my friend." I say quietly.

"I can't sleep, I got used to sleeping with Carol." Rob mumbled taking her medication.

I sigh looking at the clock over the stove and saw that it was almost eight at night. I took Rob's hand and walked her up to her room. I pulled the covers back and we got into bed. In bed, I held Robyn until she fell asleep. I carefully got up and went into her spare room and found my box of sleep over stuff and pulled out my weighted blanket. I gave it a good shake and took it into Rob's room and put it over her. I sat on the end of the bed and started a text message to her before sending and putting her phone on the charger. I sent a text to Robyn's mom via her phone that she was needed at her house in the morning. I put the TV on low and made sure the doors were locked before leaving. I ordered an Uber and called Onika. I was surprised when my Mom picked up on FaceTime.

"Hey, I just got Robyn settled in for the night. Are you still at Solange's?"

"No, I'm with your wife at the hospital."

"I'm on the way. Can I talk to her?"

"No, She's trying to stay calm and I don't want her all worked up. Just come on Bey."

My Mom hung up and I sighed. At the hospital I got signed in and went to Onika's room. There she was connected to a bunch of monitors and was sleep. I saw Mom in the corner and she pointed the door and we left out.

"I swear you live to act a fool."

"Mom, I didn't do anything."

"Uh-huh, What happened?"

"One, Rob's been pressing up on her. Rob started when she came over to apologize, she touched Onika. I could see it in her eyes. Later she went to Waffle house and she gave Onika that bite mark on her neck."

"She did all this and she's still breathing? You've really calmed down."

"No, I'm going to whoop Robyn's ass but she needs to be in the right frame of mind. Her Doctor gave her a new medication, I looked it up, caused delusions so..."

"Explains the behavior."

"Yes and No. But I took the pills. Replaced them with the mints that Ally stole from Target. So hopefully, she'll be okay in the morning. I also left her with a weighted blanket. I know she misses Carol."

"Carol misses her too but Onika's Dad is back in the picture. Truthfully, I don't like it. Especially because..."

"Because what?"

"Look...I spoke out of turn."

"No, Tell me Mom, we can't start keeping secrets now."

"I know but I promised Carol and now you have to promise me."

"I promise Mom please tell me."

-Mama Tina?" Onika called from the room.

"Go check on your wife. I'm going to call and check on Alexandria Celestine."

"You really make sure to say her whole name don't you?"

"Yes, that is my namesake. She looks just like me too."

My Mom smiled walking away and I walked back into Onika's room. She was sitting up in bed rubbing her belly. I walked over and hugged her before sitting next to her.

"Hey Mamas, you okay?"

"I'm waiting for her to come back. She hasn't told me much."

"Are you in pain?"

"Not really, I'm just uncomfortable."

"Really? What can I do to make you comfortable?"

"I...need to tell you something."

"Yes." I reply already knowing what she was going to say.

"Robyn kiss slash bite me when I went out to the Wafflehouse, she's been pushing up on me and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to lose a friend. I know that she's special."

"Robyn is special and we'll always probably be friends but you're my wife. I know I haven't always been the best partner but I'm changing that and all I ever wanted was for you to be happy. I literally kick myself for allowing Chris and Rihmeek and just everyone to hurt you. That night Ally showed me that bruise I prayed to God that I could convince you to come back to me. The night of my divorce party, knowing that Rihmeek had hurt you made me realize that I needed to keep you closer to me."

"I still think we're cursed. I love you but it just seems like every time we take 2 steps forward, we take 5 back and I'm nervous. This doesn't affect just us. It's Ally and PapaBear in the mist of our bullshit."

"I understand but we're going to get through it. I'm sorry that you've been put through so much."

"It's my fault, I'm so weak." Onika replied sighed hard and hitting the bed railing with her fist.

"Hey, Don't get upset. We have plenty of time to talk about this but right now. I want you to focus on relaxing and keeping PapaBear in for a few more weeks. So deep breathe."

Onika nodded and did what I said and Dr. Gabrielle came in and spoke.

"Hey Ladies, Nicki, you've been doing too much. Luckily your water didn't break. It was urine. Second babies tend to have that effect. But the contractions you were having have stopped and Baby boy is comfortable so I'm going to send you home. But I want you to take it easy. No house work, no running around the mall, no long trips to the grocery store. I want you sitting or lying down for at least the next two weeks. If he doesn't come then I'll give you some freedom back."

"Don't worry, I'll keep her from doing too much." I say rubbing Onika's leg.

"I also don't want you two having sex until the baby comes. Oral sex is okay, if she wants to give it you Bey but you can't give it back." Dr. Gabrielle said with a smirk.

Onika blushed and showed her dimples and I smiled and shook my head. Dr. Gabrielle left and I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"We're going to be okay Mamas, I'm going to take care you like I always should have and we'll focus on keeping PapaBear in for 8 more weeks."

Onika nodded and smiled rubbing her belly and I joined her telling PapaBear that I loved him but wanted him to stay put a little longer so he could go home with us.


Excuse all errors!



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