70. Part-time F1 driver, full-time stealing your man

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Race results Germany

P1 Vet P2 May P3 Hul P4 Ver P5 Sai P6 Str P7 Kvy P8 Gro P9 Mag P10 Kub

It was quite overwhelming, to be honest. The whole day flashed by like it was nothing, or maybe I just got drunk from the bottles of champagne I drank when I ended up on the podium, something I never dared to expect at the start of the season. I simply couldn't imagine drinking that disgusting champagne on the podium when I signed for Sauber. Now that car was not extremely disappointing, it just wasn't worthy of a podium and everyone knew that. Today had to be an exception though.

With half of the grid crashing out in the soaking conditions, my start from the back of the grid got made a lot easier and definitely caused me to show my true potential. I had always loved rain races, ever since I was a kid, so I gave it my all and the work paid off with a nice P2. The fastest lap got stolen by my compatriot, unfortunately, but he deserved it after spinning on soft tyres. I had to admit, I for sure gained a lot of places because of the bad luck of the others, so I wouldn't say I deserved this podium, I just enjoyed being on there, but didn't deny the fact I was immensely lucky today. Not making mistakes helped, because the chance I ended up in the barriers, just like my friends, existed.

I simply benefited today, and my luck did not seem to run out just yet...

"He offered me 3 million and a one year contract," I said as I stepped into the living room, where Alex and Lando kept themselves occupied with building a fortress of pillows and blankets, George gave them instructions from a distance. It stayed silent and the boys ignored me, causing me to raise my brows. "Hello Daisy, congratulations on your podium! Wow, you got offered a Ferrari contract? We are so happy for you!" I said, doing my best impression of all three the voices of my friends. "Are you fucking serious right now?"

"We decided to be mad at you," Lando said, throwing a pillow at me that I was unable to dodge. I raised my brows and walked up to them and their dumb fortress.

"Mind explaining why?" I asked, crawling over the carpet as that was the only way to get inside the fort. They didn't make a door or anything so accessing the fort could only be done by crawling and opening some sort of blanket curtain. "Lando, why are we mad at me?"

"You broke the code," Alex said. "The code of the quartet."

"Just because our group chat is named the quartet doesn't mean those rules still apply," I stated, glancing at George who also decided to join us, using the torch of his phone as a source of light. "It's been so many years!"

"Rule number one of the rule book says," George sighed, grabbing an old piece of paper from behind his phone case. "Do not get on the podium without a fellow member of the group, when this rule is broken the imposter will be ignored for the number of days equal to the position said person finished in."

"So you are ignoring me for two days?" I asked, Alex nodded. "Okay, but if we are applying the rules to everything-" I snatched the paper out of George's hands. "Rule number two says that you can't make plans without excluding a member of the quartet, which you are doing right now so I decide that you can talk to me again."

"Okay but-" Alex now started, grabbing the paper out of my hands now. "-You can't sleep with another member of the quartet and you did."

"That is Lando's fault though," I said, pointing my finger at him. "I think we should abandon that rule. Those rules are shit anyway."

"She has a point there," George added.

"And even when half of the grid crashes out, you don't have one," Lando chuckled, getting handed the paper by Alex. "Dais, you're right, these rules are stupid."

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