72. Just taking a nap, she said, it will be quick, she said

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A/N: you probably saw this coming, but in case you didn't, this chapter includes death. If you're triggered by this, I recommend to skip over this one. The following chapters do mention death more often than the previous ones. Spoiling my own story here. Oops.

"What the hell are all these cars doing here?" I asked Lando as we drove into my street. I recognised a few vehicles, the cars of my grandparents and my uncle. Even the grandparents from my dad's side of the family showed up. Unsurprisingly, Bethari was here to support my mum as usual. Lando parked his car the closest to the door, where he always parked his car when we went to this place. I opened the front door for us and at a quick pace, I barged into the room. My family all made themselves comfortable in the living room and Annabel just gave them coffee and tea. "Oi oi?" I asked, not sure how to greet all these people.

"We asked them to get on a plane this morning in case Sophia would pass away soon," Annabel explained, I nodded to show I heard her. "Do you want tea?" I shook my head and glanced at Lando next to me, who also declined Annabel's offer.

It quite overwhelmed me, all these people having normal conversations while my sister was upstairs fighting for her life like she had done all year, but today she might lose the battle. I followed Annabel to the kitchen with my eyes, taking a few deep breaths, I needed to stay strong for everyone here in this room. I couldn't possibly do anything else. The grandmothers already cried as everyone expected, but they cried for the smallest things so no one could be bothered to console them except for their husbands.

My grandma Martha, from my mum's side, tapped on my shoulder. "Sophia wants to say goodbye," she sobbed, wiping a few tears away with a napkin. "To both of you."

"What?" Lando asked. "Both of us?" Grandma nodded before she made her way through the crowd, most-likely looking for her husband. "Are you okay with that?"

"It's what Soph wants, right?" I asked, my eyes starting to water as I forced a smile.

"What do you want, Dais? You still matter too," Lando whispered. I shook my head, today wasn't my day, so the slightest attempt to put me in the spotlight would be turned down immediately. If Soph wanted to say goodbye to Lando, then she was going to say goodbye. I held onto his hand and guided him upstairs, to Sophia's room. My mother sat on the bed, with my sister held in her arms.

I crouched down on the floor so I viewed Soph from up close. Seeing her in this condition hurt so bad, I couldn't suppress the tears any longer. "Please don't cry," Soph whispered, not able to speak any louder. I nodded and wiped the teardrops off my cheeks, my lip started to tremble, but Sophia told me not to cry. "Daisy, it's all going to be okay."

"No, it's not," I breathed as she held onto my hand. "It's not going to be okay," I repeated. "Everything will get so boring without you. It's just not fair, you have a whole life ahead of you and-"

"-I don't," she whispered. "That is the whole thing, we all knew that it would happen someday." She swallowed once and let out a deep sigh. "I'm scared."

I nodded and bit my lip as more tears rolled over my face. "I understand." I stroked her hair and looked into her blue eyes, those had lost their sparkle months ago already, though today hit different and it hurt. "No, I don't understand actually... though I am scared to lose you if it helps?"

"I will always be with you Dais, always," Sophia said, her eyes started to water as well. I glanced at mum, who just looked at us having our conversation. "Just- don't forget about me okay? Please?"

"Of course I'm not-" I took a deep breath as I couldn't even speak anymore without sobbing. "-going to forget about you. Please don't think that, Soph there is not a single person who I loved more than I love you." I squeezed her hand. "I will never forget about you, Sophia, never."

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