64. The start of a series filled with unfortunate events

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A race won't get cancelled because your mum disappeared without a trace, but that didn't mean this wasn't a great excuse to get out of media day. I thought I deserved a race week without getting sexist comments thrown at my head, so I decided to stay in my drivers' room with Sophia. I could stay home if I wanted, but I just liked confusing people.

"But does he have them though?" Sophia asked, dead serious as we watched the press conference on my tv. My best friend basically died of laughter when Daniel Ricciardo asked him a question about hair -somewhere- or more the lack thereof. "I mean, out of everyone, you would know."

I gave her a glare and nudged her shoulder, she obviously didn't accept my behaviour and hit me back. "Ask Tanya, it's been a while." Sophia rolled her eyes at my response and crossed her arms. To my surprise, Tanya wasn't in the paddock today. She shouldn't be, because she didn't have any value here. She just took my place on so many occasions that it surprised me that I still had a formula 1 seat to fill. "Ugh, I hate her."

"Who doesn't," Sophia sighed. "I did my research and literally everyone I've spoken to hates her." A smile formed on my face. "You know what else everyone hates?" She asked. "You and Charles being back together."

My eyes widened. "I am not back together with Charles!" I caught myself raising my voice and it scared me a little. "I just- had fun with him, why does that mean we're back together?"

Sophia burst out in laughter and grabbed her phone. She started mocking a heavy French accent while she spoke English, reading something on her phone. "I am obviously very glad to have talked about things with Daisy and we have forgiven each other. I'm so happy to be able to start over again and that she gave me a second chance in our relationship." She showed me the article so I could comprehend all of this better.

I grabbed the nearest pillow and buried my face in it as I let out a scream. "What a fucking idiot!" I yelled, the sound got muffled by the pillow. Sophia's laughter only sounded louder and louder with every curse word I let out. "I'm gonna kill that bitch."

Sophia raised her brows as I stood up. She decided to stay here, because why be bothered to follow me if the cameras would provide her with enough content. I put my hair up in a ponytail and took off my hoop earrings, just in case I'd start a fight.

"You're gonna kill him wearing that?" She pointed at my outfit, existing out of a summery dress with little pink flowers embroidered on them, I loved my dress, so there was no need to get changed in my opinion. "You look too sweet to be taken seriously." I forced a smile and chuckled. "But hey, you do you! I'll see you when you get in trouble again."

"Keep Beth distracted for me, thanks!" With those words I walked out of my room and strode to the Ferrari garage, assuming Charles would be there.

The mechanics couldn't be bothered to look at me at all, they didn't even care if I saw any of Ferrari's secrets. Honestly, I didn't even want to know, because now that they got rid of Kate, I highly doubted if spying on them was a good idea. Taken into consideration I wanted a fast car.

I narrowed my eyes and scanned around the garage, no one to be found, well, no one interesting. The only person that stood out to me had to be Mattia, though I ignored that bitch until he gave me a reasonable contract. He really had the audacity to give me a one year contract at Ferrari as a second driver, not too bad you might think, but I got paid more at Sauber so I obviously didn't sign. Not to be a spoiled brat, but I expected a little more than just half a million euros when signing with the Ferrari. For this reason, I decided to ignore him until he doubled my salary a few times.

Just before I left the garage, I noticed someone in the corner of my eye. "I hope you have a pleasant day, Rose," I greeted her, the fakest smile ever plastered on my face. She furrowed her brows. "Do you possibly know where Charles is?"

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