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A/n: this is basically the prologue, but with a little more than just the prologue, I don't know how to explain. It's not worth it to make it the really first chapter, but it's not a prologue either, I am just as confused as you are don't worry.

I've cried in bed for days. My pillows stained with mascara and blankets soaked thanks to the tears. I honestly thought I cried my eyes out when I couldn't open them this morning, but apparently, my lashes just stuck together. With One Direction blasting through my speakers and 3 empty boxes of tissues laying on the floor I isolated myself in my room for days. Mum sometimes came by with food, because 'my way of living wasn't healthy' but I couldn't even look at the plates without gagging. Counting down the days until racing starts again was the only thing that made sure I didn't go all crazy on everyone in this house.

I scrolled through my phone and for some reason I got hundreds of messages from random people I didn't even know on Instagram and since I had nothing better to do with my life I opened most of them. Some from weird 13-year-old boys, who thought I was too hot to be single, they wouldn't say that if they saw me now, looking like a piece of rubbish.

A knock on the door caused me to flinch and roll my eyes. Not again. I buried my face in my pillow and groaned when the door opened. "Get out!" I yelled, but the sound got muffled by the pillow.

"I have good news and bad news," a familiar voice said. I flinched again when a hand touched my back, though I immediately recognised my best friends hand, mainly because she was the only one of my female friends with no acrylics for some reason. "I'm sorry, Dais."

"Whatever it is, it's not your fault," I mumbled, turning around to face her. I sat up, hugging my knees and rested my head on my arms. "What's up?"

"Lucas got fired from the hospital," she smiled, though I couldn't understand why she was happy about the fact that my cheating ex-boyfriend got out of the hospital after I hit him with a chair, maybe I left out that small detail over the phone.

"What's the good news?" I asked, which caused her to widen her eyes. She bit her lip for a moment and stroked my hair out of my face. "Sabrina?"

"I honestly thought you killed him," she chuckled. "So not being charged for murder is quite positive don't you think?" I furrowed my brows but then chuckled. "I'm serious! You said he wasn't moving!"

"Alright then, what's the other bad news?"

"The judge rejected a restraining order," she bit her lip again and forced an uncomfortable smile as if she had to take a shit. "He's still allowed to be near you and your family."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sabrina shook her head and pulled me into a hug, stroking her hand through my hair. "You're serious?" She nodded.

"You have no evidence or witnesses, they do believe it was self-defence so you won't end up in jail," I frowned my brows and sighed deeply. "I'm so sorry."

"What does that klootzak have to do before he's behind bars?" I asked, Sabrina shrugged. "He literally broke my ribs for no good reason."

"There's never a good reason to hurt someone." My head tilted slightly and I pouted my lip. "Well, your case is different, but I still don't support your decision." I nodded, it was understandable, looking back I shouldn't have hit him with a chair, but in the heat of the moment, I needed to. Otherwise, I'd still be there fighting, or dead, it was impossible to predict Lucas when he was really angry. "But it's been three weeks, get out there, enjoy your life!"

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