5. You're rich and perfect, we get it now

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A/n: comments and/or votes are appreciated, I don't want to appear as annoying, but here a friendly reminder that I'd like it if you interact! Alright, love you!

Charles checked us in at the hotel around 4 pm, the fancy hotel with the boat on top, I always wanted to stay there one day, or just go for a swim on the roof, but now I could do both! They had a lot of stuff, even a spa and a shopping centre inside the hotel. This also meant Charles and I didn't have to stay by each other's side 24/7, but after how sweet he was to me in the plane, I actually didn't mind. I never thought I could make a friend in less than two days, that shit takes time and stuff, although I felt really comfortable about him, I never felt so good around someone I didn't know that well.

We stayed in a big room with brown/gold-ish walls and an enormous window (it could count as a see-through wall) that had a view on the gardens. It had two queen-sized beds, so we didn't have to share, they were in the same room though. For such a big room, you'd expect the amount of interior to be a little better, there wasn't even a couch, but maybe they did that on purpose so you'd see a little more from the rest of the hotel. The design, on the other hand, left a good first impression, the fairy lights and fake plants could stay in my suitcase. They even had small throw blankets draped on the beds and the bathroom looked absolutely amazing, I've never seen a shower that big and a marble sink! I didn't care about in what for shitholes I stayed next year, as long as I could book this again. To imagine this was only the 'cheapest' room you could get, made me even wonder more how the other places looked, what could possibly top this?

Even though we just woke up a few hours ago, you could smell the evening buffet being presented downstairs, many flavours and variation, but because none of us had breakfast beside a granola bar I found at the bottom of my bag, we just went around for a little walk around the shopping centre. Unfortunately, the stores closed before we got a chance to buy stuff or check things out, but peeking through the windows worked just as fine.

A man pushed a little stand with coffee, ice cream and other small snacks next to us, ringing a golden bell as he made his way through the not so crowded area. The smell of coffee and sweets filled our nostrils and we started chasing down the man. "Are you still open?" Charles asked, the man nodded. "Great, what do you want, Dais?"

"Iced coffee and a doughnut," I mumbled, reaching for the wallet in my purse while Charles ordered for both himself and me.

"You don't have to pay," Charles whispered as I finally got some euros. I raised a brow when I saw the man walk away with the stand. "It's all-inclusive, well except for if you want new clothes or have dinner at some fancy restaurant."

"Yeah I think I'm going shopping tomorrow," I said as Charles handed me the coffee. "I can't walk around in the same outfit every day and I want to go swimming in that infinity pool, so I need some swimwear and a few dresses. Maybe a phone as well, but that isn't the highest up my list."

"Shall I go with you?" He asked. "I have some training to do, but if I just carry your bags then it's two in one!"

"That's sweet, but you don't have to unless you really really want to join me," he nodded. "Oh wow, that's surprising. I don't want to hear any complaining though."

"I promise," He said, pointing out his pink. I chuckled and shook my head, a little childish to pinky promise I thought, but he insisted. Our pinkies hooked together as he made a promise, the promise to not complain while we went out, oh and that we'd have Italian food for dinner after, which was my favourite part.

"Do you know how much fun it would be to rollerskate on this floor?" I mumbled, glancing down at the tiles. "I can't even rollerskate, but it looks like it's fun."

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