67. How many idiotic things can one person say?

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Ever since the race ended, I stayed at mums house with Sophia. We thought it would be better to have Sophia stay there with me, instead of living in sunflowers creek with Lando, Sabrina and me. It was more relaxed in our old house and Sophia preferred this place over mine, which I couldn't blame her for. Our house had been a little chaotic, despite banning Tanya out of the place for the time being.

I had to be honest, without Tanya I had quite an enjoyable time with my friends. Sabrina 'suddenly' no longer worked night shifts and Lando acted like my best friend again. As if nothing ever came between us and well, that might have been because the person that came between us got threatened by my sister. According to Sophia, if she saw Tanya, she would file a restraining order against her. I had no idea how a fifteen-year-old would possibly do that, but Tanya was not smart enough to think that shit through. It didn't matter actually, it led to the conclusion that Tanya had not been near me for the last week or so and it improved my mental health a lot.

While I prepared for the next race in Germany by doing exercises with my personal trainer Logan, Sophia met Annabel. Annabel was a woman with lots of experience concerning Sophia's disease and how to cope with it for the last weeks. Sophia had a gut feeling about her passing away soon and she had no idea how to deal with it. So that's why mum called Annabel, who happened to be a friend of Beth. Annabel helped Soph with calming down a little when she had a panic attack and she also explained what would happen to her when her condition went downhill really fast. Annabel moved in with us for the time being and even I felt comfortable with someone in the house with an actual idea of what to do if... no, it wasn't time yet. I couldn't think about it. Sophia was still alive and doing pretty well, there was no need to worry now. I just needed to enjoy my time with her.

I preferred winter over summer any day, but now that the sun shone and the weather was bearable to stay outside to do exercises, I couldn't complain. I couldn't focus on doing sit-ups though, every time I got up I peeked through the window, seeing Annabel talk to my sister. I remembered it like it was yesterday, that horrendous time spent in the hospital, waiting for the diagnosis. Back then we still had hope, the hope Sophia could be cured, well that disappointed. Now we ended up here, questioning if she will make it to the next morning.

"Dais!" Logan clapped his hands. "I said push-ups Daisy, I need 50!" I rolled my eyes, the shouting as if he were a military officer was just the way Logan liked to work. I usually didn't mind, I found myself to be way more productive when someone scared the hell out of me. Today, not so much.

"And I need love and affection!" I yelled back, plopping down on my yoga mat in the middle of the grass field. The sun burned in my skin and I already knew that my sports bra was going to leave tan lines. At least I could work a little on my tan before going to Greece with George, I wouldn't be surprised if I turned as red as a lobster there if I wasn't careful. I had never been to Greece, but I had been to Turkey and that was near each other. I guessed the sun wouldn't make that much of a difference between the two countries. "I'm not doing 50 push-ups."

"Are you giving up?" Logan asked. "If you can't give me 50, how will you race in Singapore then. You know, intense-"

"-Please for the love of God, don't mention Singapore," I sighed, holding up my hand so Logan shut up. "That race will take another- I don't know how many months, I don't have to prepare for that now."

"You have to be able to drive Singapore at all times," Logan stated. I knew he spoke facts here, but I just didn't feel like doing push-ups. My arms were similar to noodles when it came to push-ups, not to forget that I have been doing exercises for the entire morning. Waking up early, going on a run and eating healthy for a change, was enough for the time being, or at least in my idea. I got an Instagram story with me 'flexing muscles' as Alex called it -though I only took a mirror picture in my sports outfit- my work had been enough. "Where is the motivation? Come on Dais!"

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