15. Sophia the nice girl, doesn't happen that often, so that's a surprise

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A/n: you know the drill, comments and votes are really appreciated here!

"I got it, I got it, I got it!" Sophia ran to the phone at a quicker pace than I've ever seen her moving. Mum and I looked at each other with widened eyes. She closed her magazine and attempted to stand up from the chair. "Bonjour!" I heard her chuckle.

"Since when does she speak French?" I asked mum, who shrugged and furrowed her brows, something she did quite often when she needed to listen closely. 

"Qui, Daisy est dans le salon. Je te le passe!" She exclaimed. I raised my brows with the mentioning of my name. "It's for you dumbass!" She handed me the phone. "Your boyfriend." She winked and I glanced at mum, who was just as surprised as I was. "It's Arthur's brother, now don't ruin my chances and be nice."

"No," I sighed. "I was finally getting over him!"

"I manifested this shit for you," She handed me the phone. "Asks if Arthur has a girlfriend, will you? Without sounding too creepy." I rolled my eyes as I stood up. "Dais, don't fuck this up."

"Sophia Elia, language," mum whispered. "Don't listen to your sister, Daisy."

I ignored them and excused myself to my bedroom, I swung open the door to the balcony and rested my arm on the railing. "Hi?"

"Pleasant afternoon Daisy," a familiar voice said, a smile curved onto my lips, I couldn't help it. "How are you?"

"Could be better," I chuckled.

"What's the reason?"

"I had a friend, or have, I don't know, but he's kinda famous now that he got a promotion, he ignored all my calls," I bit my lip. "A dick move don't you think so?"

"Maybe your friend was too busy buying plane tickets to the UK last minute?" I blinked a few times, he probably didn't understand what I said before, that must've been it. "Or maybe the friend had lots of duties because of that particular promotion and really did his best to get in touch, but failed?"

"Did you hear my voicemail?"

"Which one?" He chuckled. "Yes." He stayed silent for a brief moment. "International calls are very expensive."

"Oh, well, I guess that's goodbye then," I sighed in disappointment and almost hang up.

"I'm not in Monaco though," He chuckled, my eyes widened as he said so. "Go outside, I mean, do you want to go outside? Please?" I hang up and threw the phone on my bed, glancing in the mirror before I raced downstairs, I fixed my long brown hair during and went to the living room.

"Everything okay, Dais?" Mum asked. I looked at Soph who tried to suppress her smile, but the sparkle in her eyes told otherwise.

"Thank you, Sophia, you're the best sister I could ever wish for?" Soph said, mocking my voice. I shrugged and ran back to the hallway, "you're welcome!"

When outside, I slowed down, mainly because the gravel hurt my feet. I looked around and to my disappointment, no one was there yet. Biting my lip as I slowly walked to the bed of dried flowers, there I could balance over the concrete blocks that separated the gravel and the flowers.

"So, what do we need to figure out?" Charles said, even though I expected him now, I gasped.

"How the hell I'm going to get you inside of my house now that the door fell closed and how I get to the front door in the first place because I ain't walking over those things again," I pointed at the sharp rocks on the ground and let out a sigh of relief. He walked towards me and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and blushed. "I'm just so happy to see you." All I could get was a smile in reply until he put me down when on the concrete again. "Thank you very much." I was ready to knock on the door before Sophia opened it, a smile from ear to ear plastered on her face.

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