31. City of love

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A/n: I noticed people are more active at night and I lack of self control so here we go again. Comments and votes are really appreciated, thank you so much in advance!

When Charles said I wasn't getting much sleep, he didn't lie. We landed around the afternoon, but unlike our anticipations, the hotel didn't expect us already, so we had to wait until tomorrow for a room. Though Charles said he could work something out so we didn't have to sleep on a bench in the snow, yes, snow.

In the meantime, we went for a walk around the city. We didn't speak much since watching my surroundings would be more interesting than any conversation we possibly could have. Taking pictures of the snow-covered buildings, eating pastries and more filled in our day. We had a nice dinner at a casual restaurant considering we couldn't change into other clothes for the next twelve hours. We dropped the suitcases off at the hotel, they stood safe there for now and we took the essentials, like phone, wallet and keys with us.

We had so much more to discover, well I had, Charles knew the city quite well and having him as my personal tour guide once again worked out perfectly. I knew some of the buildings from photos and the art history classes I took in secondary school. These past few weeks helped me catch up with physics and now I worked ahead of all the others in my online class. The exam was scheduled in May and I had to attend that one in person and with Aisha her help I had a good feeling I could actually succeed. Still five months to go, which equalled around three years of missed education but if I worked hard enough I knew I could make it.

The sun disappeared from the sky quite early in late December, only a few more days until the new year, meaning I'd go home in a few days as well. Now, we had three more days here and one more day in Monaco so I'd be just in time to celebrate the new year with my friends and family at home.

According to Charles, I managed to plaster a smile on my face the entire time, though if I were him, I'd watch the buildings and the starry night sky instead of how my face looked.

"Charles we can't sleep underneath the Eiffel Tower with this weather," I started when we looked at the famous tower that popped up in my mind first when someone mentioned Paris. Golden lights shined on the iron structure, leaving a warm glow. "We can't even get there."

His brows raised and he showed a boyish grin. "Is that a challenge mon ange?" He asked, playfully nudging my shoulder. I gasped and shook my head. We couldn't even get underneath the thing, let alone stay there for the entire night. I had no clue what he thought, but I assured myself I wouldn't sleep on a concrete floor and without a roof above my head. "There are gates." He sighed, pulling at the bars that made sure no one could get there unless you've paid.

"I noticed," I sighed, crossing my arms. "Can't we just sleep on the couch at the hotel? I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we did so." Charles shook his head. "Then we stay awake until tomorrow at eleven o'clock."

"No then we're going to get a jet lag, waste of our time," he mumbled, furrowing his brows as he leaned against the fence.

"I'm not sleeping outside," I chuckled. "We'll take a nap at the hotel, it's already 3 pm and I can't risk ruining my sleep schedule before New Year's Eve."

"I understand," he sighed, he took my hand and pressed a kiss on it before we went back to the hotel. We weren't the only ones waiting for a room, a few people drunk something at the bar, but I didn't want to ruin my days here by getting drunk and suffer from a hangover.

We just took place on one of the couches in the room, a little further back from the bar and the crowded area. We decided to have one person stay awake while the other slept, so no one could steal our stuff.

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