59. Simping season has started

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It all started when I arrived back in sunflowers creek, I encountered Tanya and Lando making out on the couch in our living room and I made a cup of tea for myself. Despite the nasty look I received from Tanya, I sat down on the chair next to them, not paying any attention to whatever they were doing with their lips, but I just made sure they knew that I, a fellow owner of this house, existed as well. I flipped through a magazine that I specifically bought to make Lando jealous as fuck, since Charles happened to be the cover model. I wanted to say that wasn't the reason I bought it for, but it was exactly the reason I bought it for. Not because Charles still looked like a very handsome man to me- well that could have influenced my final decision a little- but that was not the point, I bought it to annoy Lando and it worked.

"Daisy, you're really distracting us," Tanya mumbled. I couldn't be bothered to look up from my magazine and sighed. Ignoring her. How could I possibly distract them if I pretended they didn't exist. "Daisy!" She yelled, her shrilling voice caused both Lando and I to flinch. "You're distracting us."

"I'm just sitting here?" I answered, looking at the girl on the couch and then back at the men in suits. "Don't mind me, I'm just living in the house I paid for." My answer didn't seem to satisfy Tanya. "Hey, I was here first! If anyone needs to make place it's you." I heard a loud sigh and I closed my magazine, making sure both of them saw Charles on it. "Stop staring at me please," I said, more directed to Lando then to Tanya. "I know I'm gorgeous, but hey, you blew your chances."

"You're dressed like that and you don't expect me to look?" He pointed at my red dress made out of silk. I wore it on one of our dates before and I knew he loved it, so that's exactly why I put it on this morning. It suited the weather just fine, so my other attempt to make Lando jealous wouldn't be too obnoxious, just straight up mean and a little bit teasing. I crossed my legs and rushed one of my hands through my hair. "What are you doing sunshine?"

"Excuse me?" Tanya and I both said at the same time. Though the tone in her voice was filled with anger and I just chuckled. "What happened to the distancing, pumpkin?" Tanya asked Lando, whose eyes widened. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to suppress my upcoming laughter. Pumpkin, seriously? When I calmed down a little I just focused back on my magazine, the article in it was boring as hell, but hey- if this was the reaction I got from simply just looking at a picture of my ex- I could only imagine how great things would go if he found out that in a few days, I'd share a table with Charles at the press conference in France.

I had no clue why I always needed to represent our team at the conference, but I just assumed Kimi didn't feel like socialising and out of all drivers, I usually was the one that got into the most trouble, making me an interesting target for the press. I didn't mind though, I gave my honest opinion and if they didn't like that they could fuck off. For so far, I bothered nobody with my amazing statements, except for the people who got offended by them and honestly, that was not my problem so I just continued with insulting people. I got paid for attending conferences, so why not make the most out of something so boring.

"Since when is Charles back in the household?" Lando asked, not keeping his eyes off my legs. I couldn't blame him to be honest, if I saw things from his perspective, I'd stare at my legs too. They were my best feature if I could say so myself. "I don't want your feelings to get hurt."

"Then why are you kissing her instead of me?" I asked, still pretending I wasn't interested in making a conversation. I flipped the page of my magazine and sighed. "Like- I wouldn't stop you." I heard Tanya gasp, making me chuckle. "Something wrong?" I asked her, I didn't receive an answer. "Intimidated already?"

"Absolutely not," she stated, crossing her arms when I looked up. Her chin held up high. "Luc- I mean Lando likes me enough to remain faithful, so I'm not worried about you, Daisy." She pronounced my name with such disgust it almost hurt my feelings, almost, but she just lacked that bit of value in my life that could possibly make me care about her opinion.

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