19. The barman that did his job perfectly, but still got fired

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A/n: as usual, voting and comments are very appreciated! Love you!

It's been two weeks since Sochi and after staying at my grandparents for a few days, I finally left the UK again, I couldn't stand staying at one place for too long of a time. Logan stayed in a hotel near my mums' house and did everything in his power to fix my ankle as soon as possible. He did a great job so far. I could walk slowly, but on my own, so that for sure was improving in comparison to two weeks ago. I used one crutch sometimes because walking too long without a rest really hurt my legs. With Logan being near, I looked out for my diet more than usual and made sure I had no cheat days. I felt fitter as well, so it was nice to have him close and look out for me, even though I went away again a few days ago.

The worst way to spend an evening; parties with people you don't know except for one person, but that person is popular so you have no one to talk to and just become drinking buddies with your teammate for next year. Yeah, that's it. Charles turned 21 at midnight and for some reason, I needed to be there. He even sent me a dress that matched with his outfit when I still was at home in London, but I haven't seen him at all. I understood he needed to set his priorities straight and he couldn't stay by my side the entire evening because I didn't feel like socialising with his friends and family, the family scared me to be honest, quite a big step and I didn't know if Charles wanted me to introduce myself to them or that I was just room-filling. I noticed a few F1 drivers as well, but unfortunately, none of my f2 friends. My final sober decision of a long night was to go sit next to Kimi and drink without speaking at all, something I could get behind. The drinks tasted pretty good, but after a few, it didn't really matter anymore and everything with enough alcohol satisfied me.

"I think you should stop drinking," A familiar voice said. I furrowed my brows as he took the glass out of my hands. He took a sip of my clear drink and he scrunched up his face. "That's disgusting, Dais, how can you drink that?"

"Just swallow like it's a pill," I giggled, playfully nudging his shoulder, causing him to spill my drink. I gasped as I looked at the ice cubes on the wooden floor. "Charli, baby, it's not your fault." His eyes widened and he shook his head. "Shall I get you a drink?" I beckoned the barman to come over. "Eric? This round is on me." He nodded and mixed some colourful juices together. "Henry is making us a drink now."

"You. Need. To. Stop." Charles stated. Tapping on my shoulder with every word he said. I crossed my arms and stood up, I stumbled over and fell against his chest. He sighed and held onto my waist. "Someone can't control herself."

"Who?" I raised a brow. He gave me a stern look. "Me?" He nodded. "I am perfectly able to control myself, I'm the soberest girl you've ever met! I'm so sober that you can call me Sandy, every Sandy I know is sober." He rolled his eyes. "You're right, I don't know anyone named Sandy." Except for Sandy from Grease. Grease. It's been a while since I saw that movie. "Summer loving, had me a blast, summer loving, happened so faaast!"

"You're embarrassing yourself," Charles said and he pressed his finger against my lips. "I'm going to bring you home."

"You're no fun!" I chuckled and handed him one of the drinks John the barman just made. "This will help." He sighed and gave in, taking the now blue liquid out of my hands. "Shall we make this more fun?" I asked. "Take a shot every time that guy tries to hit on someone and they reject." We chuckled and Charles took place on the barstool next to mine. I glanced at the guy in the centre of the crowd, he really stood out with the lights reflecting on his sparkly suit. "He looks so familiar."

"You've been watching him for the past two hours, that's why," Charles mumbled and he knocked back the drink before he ordered more.

"I'd rather watch you for two hours, where were you?" I asked, his face turned red. "Based on your handsome face, in a bath with tomato sauce." I paused for a brief moment. "Stop rolling your eyes or they'll fall out."

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