113. The end is near

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Abu Dhabi was the only race left for me to redeem myself, and I could barely contain my excitement after qualifying. It's been too long since I qualified on P5, and it brought back much desired confidence. An engine failure in Brazil screwed me over, but the entire team was determined to not let that happen again, no matter what. I didn't recall being this nervous for a race, ever. The feeling of my heart in my throat failed to remind me of all the good races I had done prior to this one.

"Final race, give it your all," Joey said before I put my helmet on. His enthusiasm was infectious, so I followed suit, even if the anticipation was eating me alive. "I'm right in your ear when you need me." He winked at me, his trademark grin spreading across his face.

I got in the car, and before I knew it, I waited for the five red lights to go out one by one. There wasn't enough time to get my nerves under control, or even to take a deep breath. Yet every moment seemed to be an eternity. My heart pounded in my chest and I gripped the steering wheel tightly as if that would calm down my nerves. It did nothing, and I knew that if I were going to do this properly, I needed to calm down and relax.

The lights went out, and with that went my nerves. I sped off into the track, ready for whatever came next. As I took my first corner, I noticed how badly Alex's car swayed on the track. I wouldn't be a driver if I didn't take advantage of that small detail. By the end of the first lap, I passed him by effortlessly.

Not too shabby for a rookie. I kept up with the other drivers, passing two of them in their turns without issue. That until my tyres locked up and I needed to make a pitstop. This pitstop took, with my luck, way too long to complete. So long I got stuck in traffic outside of the points. In hindsight, that shouldn't have surprised me. After all, my timing was terrible.

"You'll make up for it. I still have faith," Joey said over the radio. With that reassurance, I managed to keep pushing forward. If Joey says it'll work, then it's working.

I caught up with the Renault ahead of me, and I saw my opening on the main straight. I almost drifted into the first corner, but at least I had managed to catch it. A little further, a little more. I couldn't let myself get stuck here. I needed those points more than anything else in my life.

Another turn, and I felt the pressure build up inside me. Another lap, another chance. All I had to do now is pull it off. I pulled away from the car behind me and got the nearest one ahead in sight. No backing out now. I held onto the wheel firmly, willing myself to move faster and push through each curve like there was nowhere else for me to go.

By the time a few cars ahead of me pitted, the sun had already set and made place for a dark night sky. Thanks to the pitstops, I got back to P7 safely in one piece. The final few laps of the race began to unfold smoothly, as if this had been exactly planned in advance.

I did myself the favour of passing Carlos Sainz for P6, just in case he forgot how the rear of my car looked like. I don't know why, but it gave me some comfort to see him in my mirrors.

Overall I finished P5, a welcome surprise considering my recent record of failing. It was exactly what I needed to finish this year.


Despite not winning the race (Lewis did), we still sprayed with champagne at the Alfa Romeo garage. Partly to celebrate our double points and my departure from this team, which was worthy of a celebration.

"May I have your attention for a moment?" I asked, raising the bottle of champagne that already soaked my suit and hair. I sat on Joey's shoulders while everyone cheered. "I want to thank you for this amazing season we had together," I said, followed by taking a sip from the bottle. "I don't know half of you, and I'm not planning to, but you were phenomenal during this season, and it's truly something that I'm forever grateful for." More cheering erupted around us as I continued to talk. "This has been an experience to remember, and a fun one at that! I know I'll be racing in different colours next year, but y'all have been incredible support and great company to have on my journey." With the crowd's applause ringing through my ears, I raised the bottle of champagne once more and took another swig. "Let's toast! To new beginnings!"

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