90. I indirectly injured my best friend

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Avoiding people and living in a villa for a few days was something I could get used to, but Lando and I needed to return to England at some point. We had the most intense race of the season coming up, both of us needed to train a lot and I also made plans with a bunch of friends at home. Sabrina, my best friend (remember her?) deserved my apologies for neglecting her and I also needed to catch up with my mum. Who by the way, did show up at the race, but she owed me an explanation as well. Come on, what did she mean to do in Bologna all out of a sudden? And why did she pick this awful timing?

I caught up with Sabrina the night Lando and I arrived back home. The great thing was, we could be separated for months and it wouldn't be awkward at all. This time it was the same case, she and I talked all night about meaningless subjects and more important things as well. So our am talk rekindled a watered-down bond for a bit, I still needed to put in more effort into our friendship and I was willing to do so, but after I confronted my mum.

I parked my Alfa Romeo on my mum's driveway, my knuckles had turned white from clenching onto the steering wheel. I promised myself I'd talk about the Bologna situation, or whatever she was doing there. I wasn't specifically mad about her going there, it was just another place in Italy. I simply questioned why she picked the weekend I had to race a bunch of cities away. She could've stayed there when I was in Singapore for example. I'd also leave for Singapore a few days earlier than planned because of the jet lag and heat. That was what Charles used to convince me last year, and he made me superstitious so now I wanted to leave early. First, we needed to focus on my mum though.

I opened the front door with my keys and was greeted by Fluffy almost immediately. The golden retriever was as enthusiastic as she used to be, just a tad bit older. Other than the dog, I noticed plenty of cardboard boxes with my name written on them, standing in the hallway. Which quite confused me, to be honest.

I encountered my mum in the also messed up kitchen, sipping on a glass of tea as she wore the ugliest sweatsuit I had ever seen in my entire life. Her hair was messy and the clothes had stains. I took a step back since she smelt like she hadn't showered in days. Maybe this wasn't the ideal time to ask her about Bologna.

"Your second favourite child is home!" I said in the most awkward way one could ever picture. Looking back, my choice of words was rather poor. My mum sent me a glare and poured red wine into a glass. It was only midday.

"Do you want some?" Mum asked, to which I shook my head. Ever since Lando called me an alcoholic I cut down my alcohol. Just so I could prove him wrong. He compared me to my father, making it time to change. I had to admit, mum's offer got tempting, but I kept myself to my promise. "Since when are you such a bore?"

"I'm trying out something new," I said, smiling. I gently got the bottle out of her hands and put it somewhere up high. I was taller and she wouldn't be able to reach the bottle. "How are you?"

"It's quite strange," she spoke out. "I'm all alone in this house, neither of my daughters is present. One of them I cannot blame, obviously, the other is chasing fame and money." Okay, so now it's my fault. "I have no one left here."

"You have me?" I asked. "Your parents are still in the country, what about Beth? She is around often. I don't get where this is coming from." And if you really wanted to see me, you wouldn't have visited Bologna rather than spending time with me. "Mind elaborating?" I asked when I received no answer, instead, she stared at the flooring and held onto her cup of tea with a shaking hand. She leaned against the counter.

"I want to move back to the Netherlands," she muttered. With wide eyes, I looked at her. I even held my breath for a short amount of time. I never expected her to move back. "I already discussed it with your grandparents, I'll leave when they do. I am going to help at the farm."

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