49. We ArE oN a BrEaK!

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"I just think we should take a short break," I explained, Lando went for another round of breakfast so Charles and I had the time to figure something out. Charles all seemed a little confused about the whole situation, which I obviously couldn't blame him for. I had no idea how my mind worked, how was he supposed to know what went on. I didn't tell him about the fact that I cheated on him, but he didn't have to know, there was no way he'd find this out. I just needed to watch my words when around him, which wasn't often, so I'd totally survive this. "Like a few weeks to figure out where we stand, because right now, I don't feel like this is working out that well."

Charles nodded. "Has Lando convinced you to say this?" I furrowed my brows and shook my head. "I have a feeling there's something going on between you two after the wedding," I shook my head again, I felt bad for lying, but I didn't have a time machine, so I couldn't wish it undone. I couldn't prevent what Charles and I had from falling apart and I definitely couldn't prevent what happened last night. I still had no regrets and I wanted to keep it that way. A time machine would be nice though, then I could go all the way back to Singapore and stop myself from falling in love with this guy. We had some good times together, but somewhere deep down both him -I expected- and I knew we weren't made for each other. If we were destined to be together, we wouldn't let this end so easily. "A short break," he sighed, I nodded. "We'll come back stronger." He pointed out his pinky. The chance we'd come back stronger definitely existed, but the chance we'd do that on our own was even bigger, separated. I hooked my pinky in his anyway, he pressed a kiss on my hand and then went away. The kisses didn't mean as much to me as they used to, but now, I was temporarily single with the chance to rebound on Charles.

I followed Lando with my gaze walking back to the table. He showed a smile and wiggled his brows. "Please tell me what I want to hear," he said. I let out a sigh and pressed my lips tightly together, furrowing my brows as I scrunched up my nose. "You choose him?" He asked, his voice raising. I chuckled. "You're gonna regret that."

"No you muppet!" I exclaimed. A wide grin formed on his face. "Tricked you," I teased, wiping the crumbs of my in chocolate-covered waffles from the corners of my lips. "We're just taking a break for a moment, to see where we stand." Lando nodded, though he didn't completely agree with my decision, he still respected it. "Well, that's just to make the eventual breakup easier."

"Unless he comes back begging on his knees," Lando mumbled. I chuckled. As if. There was literally no way. In this case, my wonderful decision would cause us both to easily get over each other, it that was the way I saw it. My performance on track couldn't suffer from a breakup, if only I'd get faster. I did have a baby at home though, Teddy would cause both Lando and I to go one second slower, but since we battled each other most of the time it didn't really matter. If we both lacked pace it'd still be a fair fight. "Daisy I'm sure, you're not easy to get over."

I chuckled, my cheeks turning red. "Thanks for the compliment?" I asked. Lando shook his head as he stole a strawberry from my plate. "Not a compliment?"

"It's bloody annoying!" He stated. "Can you imagine how frustrating it is if others keep flirting with your significant other?" I shook my head. "That girl from the bar two years ago still sends me letters to ask how you are." I raised my brows, I had no clue why I gave up Lando's address back then. "But I think that's about to stop when you're officially mine, not that I own you or anything but-"

"-I get it, I'm not completely stupid," I interrupted. Lando raised his brows. "Well, I'm not exactly the brightest either." He nodded as a confirmation, causing me to roll my eyes. I knew, but there was no need to say it straight into my face, he could've at least attempted to deny. "You're honest, that's what counts."

"Couldn't say the same about you," he teased. "oopsie daisy." I let out a sigh of disappointment, I expected better from him. "You get it because- well it's your name and it's also a catchy phrase?" I nodded and took a sip of my smoothie. "Are you going to London or to your grandparents?" I don't think Lando realised that with everything going on at the moment, Martha and Harold, stayed in England for months now. I wasn't sure if I told him so, but if I did I reckoned he'd remember. He remembered lots of things, except for his food in the oven.

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