10. Stay out of my aura, for your own good, I mean it

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A/n: I was going to post this tomorrow but oh my gods we reached 1K reads, I'm literally so happy, thanks a lot everyone! oh and please comment and vote you know the drill by now❤️

Unfortunately, my moment of feeling like a teenager in love, got interrupted two days after our date. Yesterday, we didn't leave each other's side, but today, we had responsibilities. I had to wake up way too early to avoid Charles at any cost. I knew that if he saw me in the morning, he'd somehow convince me to stay with him, which absolutely couldn't happen. If Beth found out Netflix saw me again, she'd kill me, or worse.

Is this how Sabrina feels every Sunday morning? She always avoided her hookups and left in a rush, only to ignore them the next time she saw them at a pub. I didn't like this idea at all, breakfast alone, swimming alone, lunch alone, everything I did; alone. Normally, I'd go back to the hotel room around 13:00, because the heat got unbearable around this hour, but what if I ran into Charles? Or the Netflix crew? Netflix wouldn't be too bad at first as they probably wouldn't recognise me, but I couldn't imagine Charles being a stone-cold bitch, so that for sure would grab their attention.

I shoved my bag with my phone hidden in a sanitary pouch at the bottom under a chair at the edge at a pool. Playing mermaids by yourself could be fun as well. I sighed as I rested my arms on the poolside while enjoying the cold water, refreshing, sure, but I rather had a conversation with a certain someone. Willingly having a conversation? What happened to me? Since when did I prefer socialising over being alone? Gross.

I took a deep breath and held my head underwater for a few seconds, trying to get the thought of talking out of my mind. I didn't want to change into an extrovert, the constant need of people only seemed exhausting. I used to be able to entertain myself, why now, when necessary for once, I wanted to be surrounded by humans? Not just a human though, a special one, a very specific one that at this time, stayed in the same hotel as I did, the same room to make it even worse. It'd be so easy to just walk up to him and tell something is off and he'd cancel all his plans. I'd never do such thing obviously, I couldn't ruin his image like that. Well, I could, but I didn't want to.

While I craved for his attention, which I shouldn't do in the first place, I remembered what Sabrina told me two days ago. About living in Sunflowers Creek with her and Lando. About Lando, I still should tell him the friends with benefits should quit, though, if Charles would get mad in less than a week and probably didn't want to see me anyway, no one needed to know I fell for him and I could keep my late nights with Lando. That was the plan, no one would find out and I'd be over my little crush before you could say his three middle names.

I swam back to the edge again and pulled myself up to take a seat there, my feet paddled in the water as I stared at the city view. Lost in my thoughts as I saw a swarm of birds flying by. Only to be as free as they were. Birds have always looked intimidating to me, they could fly, bite and even scratch your skin off depending on how sharp the claws were. At the same time, they were pretty, floating on the wind in sync, like a perfect dance that you could watch for hours and hours. Sometimes, I felt like I could fly as well, in the cockpit, nothing stopped me, I changed into a different person, but when that helmet went off and I arrived back in my hotel, alone, I was just Daisy again. I guess a camera changes people after all.

I flinched when I felt someone touch my shoulders, almost falling into the pool again, just when the air dried my hair again. I looked around and saw no one next to me. My brows furrowed and I crossed my arms in frustration.

"Are you wearing sunscreen?" A familiar voice asked, my eyes widened and I turned around. Was it bad I recognised Charles from only seeing his legs? Getting over him would be harder than I expected. "We don't want you to get skin cancer, or worse," I raised a brow, what could be worse than cancer? "A sunburn," I shrugged. "I don't want to hear you complaining, not that you can't state your opinion, of course, you can, but I meant I want to keep you as comfortable as possible." I nodded, remembering what Beth said, ignore him. "Is something wrong, Dais?" I shook my head and jumped into the pool, squeezing my nose when I got underwater again. This might've looked stupid from an outsiders perspective, but the last thing I wanted is to disappoint Beth because of some boy. "Eveline..." He mumbled as I stroked my hair out of my face. "Don't make me go in there."

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