62. Daisy, you're an idiot

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A/n: buckle up babies, it's a long chapter. Oh and I warn you, be prepared; you're gonna hate me.

A few months ago I would've said you were crazy if you told me Lando got himself a 'girlfriend' and that I would be the one third-wheeling them. I preferred not to waste my time by feeling replaced, but it was inevitable if they continued flirting at the breakfast table. That was also the reason I barely spend time at sunflowers creek these days. Seeing the two together just hurt too much.

We watched a movie together, Sabrina, Lando, Tanya and I. Sabrina despised Tanya even more than I did. Though usually the girl her presence never bothered Sabrina because she worked night shifts, but that changed again due to the absence of a colleague. For this reason, we split up the couch in four equal parts. Sabrina on the far left and Tanya on the far right. Lando and I sat in the middle, a tray filled with snacks separating us, Tanya was a jealous piece of rubbish after all.

Sabrina mumbled something about the movie and then caught the popcorn I threw her with her mouth. Our eyes widened, never expecting she'd catch the thing. "Can't you not have a food fight here? We are watching a movie." Tanya interrupted. "It's annoying as hell."

"So are you," Sabrina answered. "But no one is interrupting you just doing your thing huh?" Tanya gave Sabrina a nasty look and crossed her arms. Sabrina and I continued throwing popcorn at each other, much to the annoyance of Tanya, that was mainly why we did it though. I could tell Lando wanted to join us as well, based on the corner of his lips twitching up in a smile when we succeeded. I decided to be a little mean and 'accidentally' dodge the popcorn so it ended up sticking in his hair. Sabrina and I laughed again. "There's something-"

The buzzing of my phone interrupted Sabrina, it probably wasn't that important so I ignored it. Lando stroked his hands through his hair and grabbed the piece of popcorn. He threw it against my head, resulting in me filling my hands with the snack and emptying them in the little gap between the collar of his sweater and his skin. He didn't seem to bother it actually. My phone buzzed again and my friends looked at me. I rolled my eyes and lifted the device from the table.

"I still owe you-know-who a date," I turned my attention to Sabrina. "I got like five messages saying the same thing." The constant repeating of the words 'you owe me a date'. "And another 3 voicemails."

"What a desperate piece of rubbish," Sabrina sighed, playing with her nails. "Just go once and you won't be bothered again." I nodded and looked over my shoulder. "And you will survive dinner, just order the most expensive dish and go home."

"I can do that," I mumbled. I typed an overly enthusiastic response while keeping a straight face. I showed Sabrina what I typed before I sent the message, she approved with a chuckle. I stood up and wiped the sticky food off my clothes. I went to my room and dressed up in a little black dress, did my hair and put on a pair of heels. I didn't put in too much effort for Max. I honestly didn't want to go at all, but the constant messages kept continuing over the past few days, even though I thought I scared him off in Austria. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

It also helped that Tanya and Lando were sorts of together. If Lando was still 'single' (I had no clue where the two stood in their relationship) I would not go out with Max. I practised my fake smile in the mirror before going downstairs. Sabrina hyped me up like she always did, but the look on Lando's face was truly worth it.

"W- where are you going?" He asked, staring at me with widened eyes. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and forced a smile. I didn't owe him any kind of explanation. I owed him lots of things, but an explanation was not on that list. "Please?" He pouted his lip and stood up, closely followed by that snake ass girlfriend of his. I crossed my arms as I leaned against the table. "S- seriously what do you think you're doing?" He asked again, I noticed he checked me out and I let out a soft chuckle. "You're pretty and annoying, I mean you're pretty annoying." Tanya raised her brows and gave me a stern look.

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