27. Happy birthday to Eve

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A/n: you know what to do right? ;)

I couldn't put my mind on why so many people had their birthdays in these months, first Charles, then Lando and now my mum, who turned 48 today. The eight of December. I always struggled with finding presents for her because she never asked for anything, but I knew she wanted a new leaf-blower. Luckily, she and Soph were allowed to leave the hospital for the best month in the year. Sophia's treatment went well and the only reason she felt so sick was due to the side effects of her medication. The tumour in her brain wouldn't cause any unpredictable moments and her next appointment was scheduled halfway through January.

It was early in the morning as I made waffles, mum loved waffles and a decent birthday breakfast would make her smile. She always made our favourite foods on our birthdays, so returning the favour was the obvious choice. Soph decorated the house with golden balloons and flags. She also got mum a present, a bead for her bracelet, it was a sort of tradition now. Mum had this bracelet that you could buy extra beads for and each Mothers day or birthday, we gave her a new bead. It always meant a lot to her.

We walked up the stairs on our tiptoes. Soph held the presents and I had the tray. Three plates with waffles and three cups of tea. "Happy birthday mum!" Soph whispered as she opened the door, little did she know mum woke up half an hour ago when we went downstairs and now pretended to be asleep. "You've aged well!"

"You must have night vision then," mum chuckled as she turned on the lamp that stood on her nightstand. It lighted up the room a little. We pulled her into a hug and sat down next to her. "Thank you darlings, you really didn't have to."

"Yes, we did," I stated. "Because we appreciate you and love you and-" I took my ukulele from behind my back and showed a wide smile. "We can also put it into a song?"

"No," Sophia cut me off. "You're a decent singer, but it ain't gonna happen."

"Shame," I chuckled. Fidgeting with the strings, the opening chords of happy birthday sounded out. To Sophia's frustration, I started singing, mum chuckled and clapped her hands. "Hooray!"

"You've learned fast!" She exclaimed, gesturing at the black instrument in my hands. I've painted a sunflower on it when I had the time. Grandma gave it to me a few days ago, for the Dutch tradition called 'Sinterklaas', with me being from Dutch origins, she wanted me to celebrate that as well. Though I didn't like many things of that specific festivity, like the not-so-well-hidden racism, a present was always welcome.

"That was pretty good, I have to admit," Sophia said, stroking her, or actually my old, hair out of her face. My hair was a little inch above shoulder length now and it looked amazing. I gasped, did I actually get a compliment from my sister. "I wouldn't be surprised if you sucked, you don't have many talents."

"Thank you," I mumbled. "Did you forget I'm the person who cooks dinner here? Expect sushi tonight." She rolled her eyes and apologised, but sushi didn't sound too bad in my ears.

We gave mum the presents and ate our breakfast in peace before dressing up into a nicer outfit than just our pyjamas. I went with high-waisted mom jeans and a black sweater, pretty basic, but good enough for today. I didn't expect too many visitors.


Later that afternoon, the living room was filled with people. Beth, Sabrina, Marco, April, my grandparents and my mum's brother with his household. Two of my cousins running around the house followed by an extremely enthusiastic golden retriever, really messed up my nonexistent plans. I didn't allow mum to do anything except for have a good time, both Soph and I served the guests coffee or tea and little snacks.

All the gossiping from my aunts and whatever my uncle and Marco had to discuss made me lose my mind. It all sounded like chickens ranting in my head. My attempt to keep everyone satisfied while playing cards with my cousins, showed I sucked at multitasking. The doorbell rang, the only sounds I could separate from the constant chatter; the doorbell, coffeemaker and the beeps of the oven. In the meantime, Soph sorted the birthday cards and presents on the table.

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