83. A super cold(?) welcome

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Both George and I were absolutely exhausted when we landed in London, earlier this day. We agreed to part ways as we got sick of each other's company and didn't want to ruin our friendship. We weren't mad or anything, but these weeks proved we couldn't be around each other for too long. I caught myself being way too manipulative at points and George acted overprotectively. We already decided we'd be better off as just friends, despite having no regrets about what happened at the holiday. To spend any more time together would have a bad outcome, so we promised not to hang out until Belgium, giving each other some well-needed space.

I stumbled inside my house with an unnecessary amount of luggage, I threw all the suitcases on the floor once I got everything, finally. I shoved most of it in the corner or against the wall. I didn't feel like sorting out my laundry right now, preferring to relax for a bit. Though, when I truly comprehended I was home, a sudden wave of realisation hit me. Things changed the time I was gone, most likely. Everyone just went on with their lives, while mine seemed to have stopped.

"Do you hear that, Teddy?" I heard Lando's muffled voice through the walls. "Dais is home!"

A smile crept upon my lips and my hand clamped to my chest. I missed my dog a lot, and Lando? Well, he was being a total bitch when I left, so my feelings towards him needed to be altered. For obvious reasons, I wanted to remain nice to my housemate. I pushed the door slightly open and peeked through the gap, Lando sat on the ground, having a hold on Teddy's collar and Teddy was just busy wagging his tail. The dog's enthusiasm increasing when I entered the room.

"There is my favourite boy," I chuckled, crouching to meet Teddy's height. "Have you been nice while mommy was away? Of course, you have, yes you have." My high pitched voice caught me a bit off guard, not to forget the way I spoke. I exchanged a couple of looks with Lando, who seemed a bit confused about this whole situation. To be honest, I never expected to call myself a dog parent either, in fact, I hated it when people did that. I played with Teddy's curls and kept asking the dog questions as if he were able to answer those. "I take all of that back."

"Nice to see you too," Lando interrupted. I rolled my eyes and then said hi to him as well, pretending I didn't intentionally ignore him. "Teddy missed you."

"Did he tell you that?" I looked at the dog that just untangled himself from Lando's embrace and now sat tightly next to me.

"Teddy and I have great conversations when you're gone," Lando responded. "I missed you too if it matters."

"I wish I could say the same." However, I didn't want to lie. "So, what have I missed?"

"Oh dear," Lando sighed. "You didn't see my private stories?" I shook my head, I completely deleted social media this summer and I kind of liked the peace. Unfortunately, I had to keep it on my phone for marketing purposes whenever the season started again. I didn't trust anyone enough to manage my profiles, Sabrina had done it a couple of times, but she had enough on her plate already. Aisha had enough experience, but I also didn't like to have everything so scheduled and neat, social media was one of the few ways to show personality towards the fans.

"I have been living under a rock if you can put it like that," I admitted. "What is going on? You still haven't told me."

"First of all, Tanya dumped me," Lando said, his jaw clenching as he glared at me. "And something tells me you know more about this..." I shook my head and shrugged. Unless I got the confirmation Tanya snitched on me, Lando wouldn't find out. "Playing it dumb I see, for as far as I'm aware, you're a very smart girl on some occasions, so don't act all stupid now. I know you threatened her."

"Threatening is a big word," I defended, "I just made clear she'd face the consequences if she hurt you. That's all! Come on, she was literally engaged to Lucas, you deserve much better."

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