48.I'd rather walk the great wall of China instead of telling you how I feel

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Qualifying results China:
P6 GAS, P7 RIC, P8 HUL, P9 MAY, P10 MAG,
P11 GRO, P12 KVY, P13 NOR, P14 SAI, P15 ALB
P16 PER, P17 STR, P18 RAI, P19 RUS, P20 KUB

Race results:
P1 (+ fastest lap) HAM, P2 BOT, P3 VET, P4 VER, P5 LEC, P6 GAS, P7 RIC, P8 PER, P9 RAI, P10 NOR, P11 MAY, P12 ALB, P13 MAG, P14 SAI, P15 GRO, P16 RUS, P17 KUB,

For some stupid reason, I managed to catch myself falling for my best friend even more this race weekend. He gave me a slipstream in qualifying, probably not intentional, but it's not like he wanted to get rid of that given slipstream. This caused me to get into q3, it just wasn't an ideal circuit for the team. We expected more to be honest. In the race, Lando and I had a nice battle, which resulted in me losing the position on track, but apparently, there was something wrong with my car and I couldn't use all the power just in case we'd blow something up. It got annoying, seeing those cars pass me easily, but I managed to bring the car home in a respectable p11, it could be worse, but I still felt a little sad, I missed the opportunity to earn us some good points.

Good food always made me cheer up a little, so, we did like we used to; the quartet meeting up in one of our hotel rooms and order something delicious to eat. When in China, you obviously go for Chinese food. Alex and I paired up to teach the other boys how to eat with chopsticks, but we failed miserably. We refused to give the others cutlery since they just should've paid attention to our amazing instructions. I have no clue how Lando managed to do it, but he just poked one chopstick in the food like it was supposed to be on a skewer. Poor effort, really.

We watched a romantic comedy later in the evening. I rested my head on Lando's chest as we sat on the floor with a few pillows and blankets. Alex claimed the couch since it was his hotel room and George sat on the armrest of the couch. "Why don't they get back together?" I asked, pointing at the screen. "He admitted he loves her, she clearly loves him, they can't live without each other, they're perfect for each other!"

"She has a boyfriend," Lando answered, I furrowed my brows. Screw the boyfriend. "She isn't going to cheat and the other guy respects her relationship, it's literally not that hard to understand Dais."

"Oh come on," I sighed. "The boyfriend doesn't care anymore, cute in the beginning but he can fuck off now," Lando raised his brows. "The guy just pressured her to stay with him this way, but you bet your ass nothing is gonna change between the way they behave. They're just stuck with each other and none of them has the guts to break up, while that is probably the best to do so because that bitch right there is in love with her best friend." Wow, that hits close to home. All the boys looked at me, which I found out to be very suspicious.

"You're taking this movie way to serious, Dais," Alex mumbled. He had a point, I have been overanalysing the behaviour of every couple in all the movies we watched this evening. "These movies are supposed to be relaxing, it's not English class where blue curtains mean something dramatic is about to happen."

George agreed with Alex. "Is there something you want to tell us?" I shook my head, I'd rather jump out of a plane than telling these boys what went on. "Because you know you can tell us everything, we're your friends-" he sighed. "-I mean they are your friends." I hesitated, but I had a bad feeling about saying this, I already ruined one friendship thanks to my feelings -or more the lack of them- I wasn't planning on doing this shit twice. However, George and I behaved normally around each other, like acquaintances, which was already better than I expected. "Let me put this differently: is there anything you need to tell us? If this affects all of us I'd like to know."

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