68. When worlds collide...

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Massive thanks to KateStark36 for letting me borrow her characters, oops, did I already tell you to read her book Battlefield?

We arrived at the circuit with the whole group and Sophia. A little too early for my liking, but Lando said he needed to do some things for McLaren so we couldn't go to our house and drop off our bags. Yeah, we also rented a house instead of separate hotel rooms because that would be fun, or at least, that was what Alex said after he asked the group chat to pay him a few thousand pounds.

As I didn't have to do media things until the evening for a change, my morning was a little boring. Sophia quite enjoyed herself with two girls her age, who she had met in the paddock. I didn't feel like worrying about my sister or even keeping an eye on her. I just got bored of sitting in my driver room alone. I doubted on going to the house, but leaving my friends here just seemed a little rude so I stayed in my room to watch a few episodes of a new series I started.

Just when I got the hang of doing nothing, someone knocked on my door. I rolled my eyes and stood up to open it. "What do you need?" I asked my sister who sat in her mobility scooter with widened eyes. "Soph, did you kill someone?"

"I kinda ran someone over," Sophia mumbled. I raised my brows. "It wasn't intentional or anything, she just didn't watch where she walked and I- you know how it goes." I leaned against my doorframe, waiting for her to explain. "Vroom!"

"Did you see her from a distance?" I asked. Sophia nodded. "Did you attempt to stop?"

"I was racing," my sister explained. "Remember when you were in F3 and that bird was on track?" I nodded. "Well, that's what happened now, but the bird is a human and I don't have a race car."

"Is she okay?" I asked. Sophia shrugged as an answer. "For fucks sake Sophia!" I groaned and I walked out of the room. "Where is she?" In a quick pace, I got to the crowded centre of the paddock, not that it was really crowded, but there were more people here than in my private room. Sophia followed me and honked at all the people in her way.

"Want me to run you over?" She yelled at a few people, especially at girls in Ferrari shirts. "Which one of these is Rose, I will aim for that one the next time," she whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Jokes aside, which one is it."

"She's not even here," I sighed. "She's probably screwing someone to get a promotion or something."

"Maybe you should do that too," Sophia suggested. "I mean, you still don't have a seat and you won't be getting one either if you continue to drive as you did in Silverstone."

"Where is the girl you ran over?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Sophia gestured in direction of the McLaren garage. "Ugh, have you prepared an apology?"

"Why do you think I went to find you? My job here is done," Sophia said, turning around with her scooter. Before I even realised my sister left me to fix her mess once again, she mingled herself with the crowd. "Get out of my way losers!" I heard her yell, but then she disappeared.

I repeated the most forced apology ever in my head while also being mad as hell for Sophia not watching her steps, well, wheels in this case. As if I was the one who raised her to have no manners... I probably influenced her, but she couldn't blame me for it. With great reluctance, I searched for the girl that just got ran over by Sophia and honestly, she wasn't too hard to find as she caused a whole scene.

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