53. Do you hear that? It is a snake!

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A/n: it's been a while since I begged for attention so please comment and vote! Thank you so much in advance.

Thanks to my good friend Charles, I was oddly familiar with this beautiful country called Monaco. The rich and famous all gathered here for the most iconic race of the entire F1 season. Today the paddock was already filled with people, despite that we only had a press conference and no further activities. Testing would happen tomorrow, on Thursday, on Friday we wouldn't drive the car at all, but that was totally okay. I just enjoyed my time here. I just loved this circuit and the country. I felt a little intimidated by all the glamorous people that paraded around the paddock, though there was absolutely no need to. They might've been rich, but so was I.

Aisha and I mocked the people that actually believed they were so much better than us. We wore matching champagne coloured jumpsuits and oversized sunglasses just to take place at every table we saw and drink red wine. I couldn't be bothered to dress up in team wear the entire day if all I needed to do was attend a press conference a few hours. Aisha and I decided to take place at the entrance of the paddock club, just to have the best view to judge the guests. While we chatted a little, my eyes caught on a certain someone I recognised from miles away.

I nudged Aisha's shoulder and pointed at the girl with the dark brown hair that stopped around her waist. I narrowed my eyes at her, that stupid snake, I wanted to stand up but Aisha stopped me and grabbed my wrist. I gave my friend a stern look. "What are you planning to do, Dais?" Aisha asked. "Attack her?"

"Yes," I admitted. "This is my territory, she doesn't even watch F1, what the fuck is this bitch doing here?" Aisha shrugged. I loved this race, why did Tanya need to show up in the paddock today? What if I ran into her on accident? I got disgusted by only the thought of it. She was literally the last person I wanted to see here, she knew nothing about the sport, why would she waste her money on something she didn't like? Maybe she wanted publicity for her miserable career as an influencer. "I'm gonna talk to her."

"No, you're not," Aisha said. "Focus on yourself, you can ignore Tanya for a few days, she won't reoccur here more often, she's not rich enough," I nodded, as long as she didn't go near my friends or anyone else I spoke to, she didn't need to worry. "If I find out you talked to that snake and if that has an influence on your performance, I guarantee you I'll smack your head so hard you can say hi to my mum." My eyes widened. "My mum lives in Uganda, she's not dead or anything concerning," I let out a sigh of relief.

I didn't like the fact that Tanya showed up at this race. That bitch for sure would find a way to live in my mind rent-free. I just wanted her to fuck off. I remember the note she stuck to my door in Barcelona during winter testing, saying she wanted to rekindle our relationship. I could at least try to form a little conversation, right? One where I didn't want to slam a hammer into her skull. It would be hard, but maybe she had a good reason. I considered it to be a little too late to become friends again, but maybe I could scrap her off my list of people I hated. The top three no longer existed as David passed away, so that meant Tanya moved up a position to place two, right under Lucas who wouldn't leave that spot in forever. I wondered if they still dated, and how could you find that out without talking?

As I wondered how I would start a conversation with that girl, Aisha left my side. I didn't specifically like the fact that I sat alone in public, but I also didn't notice Aisha walked away. I just swooned away in my thoughts like usual. I glanced at my watch, flinching when I realised it was time for lunch. I made an appointment with Lando, he probably just thought this was an innocent lunch, but today I'd tell him how I truly felt. He just didn't realise when I said I loved him I actually loved him more than anyone. Today that would change. I still hadn't found an occasion to break up with Charles since I didn't want to be a coward and do such thing over text.

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