37. LiVe LoVe LaUgH~probably said by some Karen and that is just annoying

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A/n: I'm now going to remind you to comment and vote every five chapters so I'm not THAT of an annoying bitch but I still remind you. I have no clue what I'm saying. I love you and enjoy this chapter with both Lando and Charles content in that specific order.

The day after my birthday immediately ruined my mood. Well, didn't actually ruin it, but instead of doing nothing and eating cake, I needed to work. Disgusting, especially since I still didn't feel that well. Maybe because of all the stress a new house provides you. While I felt sick, I commanded everyone in the new house to do things. Why did I have these high demands and wanted to change everything? I wanted wooden flooring everywhere and marble tiles in the bathroom, everything needed a makeover. I didn't want too many people over, so that resulted in doing lots of things ourselves instead of using professionals.

We already worked hard to demolish the kitchen, so the flooring could also be done there. While Lando and I destroyed the cabinets, using our feet and hammers, some old guys my grandpa knew from his time in construction, made all the walls soundproof. They couldn't start downstairs as the kitchen still needed to be removed.

I tied my flannel around my waist when it got way too hot in here. I worked my ass off here in my tank top, while Lando still wore his hoodie and not a drop of sweat on his head. I felt gross and after a few hours of work, I let myself fall down on the floor between the rubble. My best friend furrowed his brows and reached out for my hand. I declined and rested my head against the soon to be isolated wall.

Lando crouched down so he sat at my height. "We're almost done sunshine," he whispered, wiping the dust off my face with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Half an hour, I promise."

I pointed out my pinky, causing Lando to roll his eyes. I blamed Charles for this thing I now made habit off. He still hooked his pinky with mine and pressed a quick kiss on my cheek, because he took the 'seal with a kiss' part pretty serious. "After half an hour I'm done though, I'm not doing anything after."

Lando chuckled at my response and threw me the sledgehammer. He forbade me from using it the first few hours just in case I accidentally broke his arm or something. Like a couple of idiots, we gave it our best and slammed against every single thing in the kitchen, varying from tiles against the wall to even more cabinets and drawers.

I lifted my arms above my head as I dropped the hammer to the floor. It fell with a loud noise that could be heard in the entire house. "Are you done?" The Brit asked while he looked over his shoulder, scraping the final cement off the wall. It needed to be smooth before my choice of tiles got stuck to it. I wanted to keep the authentic atmosphere the house used to have, but a little modernisation wouldn't hurt anyone. I pulled my friend into a hug and sighed.

"Shall we grab some food?" He asked. "You look like you could use some," I raised my brows. "Not that you look bad or anything, you look great, but if you want we can go eat something together."

"Another time," I whispered. "I'm going to check up with everyone here and then head home, other home." Lando showed a tight-lipped smile and nodded at my response, I patted his shoulder and went up the stairs. The hallway there was still filled with rubble and as I made my way through I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I looked over and encountered my boyfriend, with lots of dust and even small rocks in his hair. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm helping your grandpa!" He exclaimed. "See that wall? I did that!" He pointed at the wall in what would turn into my room, he grabbed my hand and showed me the work he had done today. "Look at this masterpiece!"

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