38. And this is why you need a best friend

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Long days of binge-watching fixer-upper and renovating our house, it finally was time to furnish the place. My favourite part. The paint on the walls dried and the minor details all came together. The authentic vibe I wanted to keep still managed to stay, but it all looked fresher than before. Our house.

I absolutely adored the kitchen, glossy white cabinets and an overall, clean look. We also had three ovens so if my maths were correct, we could make six pizzas at once, which was obviously very important. Screw Lando's diet. I could eat everything I wanted, though with testing around the corner I went for a healthier snack. As I promised to Logan a few weeks ago, I gained some weight. I felt better in my skin and I only got sick once this winter, definitely an improvement compared to the years before.

"Stop playing with fire Lando!" I sighed when he noticed the fireplace in the most relaxing room, the couple that used to live here used it as an office, but we had placed a bookshelf and one huge ass chair with a knitted blanket draped over it, just for the people who enjoyed reading. We finished it with a nice carpet and a few plants, a record player standing in the corner and a whole collection of photos from the three of us hanging on the walls. No electronics allowed. "We are done with the house, I don't want to see it burning up in flames."

"I won't-" he started. I gave him a stern look, both he and I knew I was right in this situation. On many occasions, for example, when he made food, it burned. I probably needed to make this house childproof, not that there would be any children from our own anytime soon. If someone decided to be stupid enough to get pregnant (or get someone pregnant) that person would move out because none of us wanted to bother each other with a mini version of themselves. -"I'm definitely going to burn the house huh?"

"Ah you're self-aware," I said, forcing a smile. "What do you think?" Lando nodded as his fingers slid over the marble mantelpiece with the solid oak top section. "I'm just missing one thing-"

-"a dog!" He exclaimed. "I thought you'd never ask!" my eyes widened. I realised that Fluffy would stay at my mum's house and I had no one to hug when everyone else left. No one that would greet me as enthusiastically as Fluffy did on early mornings or someone that wouldn't tell my secrets. "I was thinking about a boy because I'm stuck with both you and Sabrina all the time."

"Sabrina is a cat person," I sighed, crossing my arms. "And we can't have a dog, we're away all the time!" Lando scrunched his nose and pressed his lips tightly together. "I'm sorry."

"Lewis has dogs and he's a five-time world champion, we need dogs Daisy," he stated, he pointed at a spot next to the couch. "See, that's an amazing spot for a dog basket. Like it's made for it! What else did you want to place there?"

"A plant?" I asked, a little hesitant with my answer. Lando rolled his eyes.

"You kill all the plants!" He yelled. "You touch a plant and then they-" he stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes as he gestured to chop his head off with his index finger. "-Are more dead than my feelings for-" he looked at me and I raised my brows, waiting for his response. -"never mind."

I rolled my eyes. "We aren't gonna raise a dog together if you're keeping secrets from me," I lifted my chin and tried to appear taller, I still was taller than Lando since I practised to walk on my new gold heels, I wanted to wear these at the party after pre-season testing to which, surprisingly enough I was invited for. "And if I kill the plants how can I avoid killing a dog?"

"Because I'll be standing by your side, right here as usual," he chuckled, his arm brushed over mine. "Can you please consider it?" I opened my mouth to explain my doubts, but my best friend interrupted me before I could speak. "Great. How shall we name him."

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