26. Oh hi Dad, fuck off

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A/n: what about, you know, commenting and voting? No? Okay, just wanted to remind you! Enjoy the chapter either way.

The thrill of being a formula 2 champion continued. It felt like a relief, no more pressure from my team and the people that expected me to win. No more tension between my friends now that the season officially ended. or that's what I hoped.

I had to admit I encountered some downsides. Like yesterday, when the entire day I responded to messages and calls, only because Beth couldn't take care of it herself. Aisha and Sabrina helped us as well. I really appreciated all the help I got, but some things I had to do myself, like answer the calls I got from friends and family. Beth knew what was best with possible sponsors and got some new investors in the pocket. Sabrina and Aisha partnered to keep my socials up to date, which mainly existed of replying to comments of strangers and thanking people.

Still, I couldn't be more grateful for everything that happened and the amazing season I had with Prema. The friends I've made, the places I visited and all the opportunities I got.

Unfortunately, I hadn't seen Soph and mum in person yet. They slept in the hospital for the past few weeks and it would only be a surprise if Soph was allowed to be here for Christmas. It would be the first Christmas in 18 years that I wouldn't celebrate with mum and I couldn't imagine having to decorate a tiny Christmas tree in the hospital. Now that they couldn't go home, I had to go to them, which wasn't a problem obviously, if the only way I could see my sister was during the visiting hours, then so be it.

I peeked around the corner into room 43, swallowing my tears away when I saw the condition my sister was in. She looked paler than she did usually. Her eyelids were weighed down and she moved slowly when she pulled me into a hug, barely being able to sit up straight without panting. Mum forced a smile through watery eyes when she saw me. She sat on a chair next to the bed Soph rested in and gestured at another one in the corner. I lifted it up and took place next to her. I stroked my sister's hand for comfort, more for myself than for her, but I wanted to stay strong for her. She leaned against the headrest, a few pillows separating her and the wall, her voice was a little slower and less enthusiastic, but she was still able to form a decent conversation.

"Look dumbass, I'm getting bald," Soph chuckled as she pulled her hair. She dropped the few brown strands next to me on the floor. It took a while before they reached the linoleum. "If it continues like this, I need a wig."

"You can have my hair," I said immediately after she finished talking. Her eyes widened. "We have the same hair colour anyway, no one will notice. I'll make an appointment with the hairdresser right away."

"But your hair is so pretty Dais!" Mum exclaimed. "How short will you go?" I measured it out, with a few inches underneath my chin, it filed the restrictions of a wig. "That's quite short."

"I can pull it off," I stated. "And this gets a little boring anyway, it's also way more practical when racing. Always braiding my hair is so annoying."

"Are you sure?" She asked. "We can always buy a wig, if we ask the doctor-"

-"I want to do this mum." I snapped, she got on my nerves. How dares she doubting my decisions like that? Especially after I made a promise. I kept my promises and I'd never give anyone false hope. "Soph, you're getting a wig and I'll take care of that, no one will notice a thing."

"Thank you," Soph said. "I owe you big time."

I shook my head. "You don't owe me anything, it's the least I can do." I squeezed her hand and forced a smile. We continued the conversation and talked about the race. Both were proud, which meant a lot, also the fact that they watched the race did well. We had some laughs, but that soon got interrupted by a tall man walking into the room.

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