71. For heaven's sake, was this necessary?

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After Germany, I went home with the whole group again. Including Liz and Lilly this time. Charles went in another direction as we did, along with Kate to Monaco. I knew we could only spend a few days in England before going to Hungary, but it was probably worth it. I hadn't seen Sabrina in a long while and Beth sent me a mail saying my mother finally got out of the hospital, making me able to move back into my own house again which I did, though I still needed to pick up some of the stuff I left behind in my mum's house. Besides that, saying hi to my mum was the least I could do.

"This is the fourth time in one day that I need to drop you off at Eve's house," Lando said. "Are you sure you're ready to move back in with Sabrina and me?" I nodded and searched for the chocolate cake I made a few hours ago as an excuse to visit my mother again.

"I'm just dropping this off, I'll be back in five minutes!" I said as I opened the car door.

Lando rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "That's exactly what you said this morning and then I had to wait here for hours." I shrugged, he didn't want to go with me and I couldn't decline a cup of tea. "If you want to stay at your mum's it is fine, I mean, Sabrina is at her girlfriend's place most of the time so she won't even notice you're gone."

"And leave you alone at our house?" I scoffed. Lando nodded. "So when I come home again I will see you sleep deprived behind the simulator and Teddy without food or water?" Lando opened his mouth to say something, though I interrupted him. "I swear, I'm just giving this to mum and Soph and I will go home with you."

I stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut before walking through the gravel all the way to the front door. I still had the keys of this house so a simple 'oi oi' did enough to make me a salient person in the house. Annabel, mum's help with Sophia, greeted me as politely as she used to do and I followed her upstairs. Sophia didn't feel so well after Germany and we moved her to her room earlier this day as she relaxed there better. I showed a tight-lipped smile when entering my sister's room, filled with gifted stuffed animals. I shook the hand of the dude standing next to her bed, recognising him as our family doctor from when we still lived in the Netherlands.

"Again?" My mum asked, sitting on the chair next to Sophia's bed. "Are you stress baking?"

"No?" I answered, handing her the chocolate cake. "I just made you a chocolate cake, someone needs to take care of you two and what's wrong with spoiling you with a little treat?"

"Dais," mum sighed. "You have made two batches of cookies, a pie and now you show up with a cake. I hate it when you lie to me."

"I'm fine," I assured. "I'm the last person you should be worrying about," I sighed, taking a glance to the side where my sister slept. Today, I've only seen her sleeping. "How is she?"

"I don't know," mum answered, stroking her hair behind her ear. "She's either sleeping or eating, I haven't heard her speak at all. She's writing letters and cards for some reason, but she wouldn't explain why."

"How long does she have?" I asked, more directed at the doctor, who shrugged.

"I estimate three," he said. "Maybe less, maybe more, but she won't make it to Christmas."

"You said she wouldn't make it to Easter last year and she did great back then," I said. "Maybe she can make it this time as well?"

"Miss Mayfield, I said it was questionable how long Sophia would live. Your sister fought hard and she lives longer than we estimated, but it's coming to an end now. I'm sorry."

"Do I need to stay with her?" I asked. "If she wants to I will stay here, no worries."

"Daisy," my mother stood up from her chair and grabbed my hands. "We have everything under control, please go home and take some rest. I will keep you posted."

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