40. The infamous chapter 40

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The skirt of my long black dress hugged loosely around my legs, revealing one of them with a split that ended mid-thigh. I needed to show off the golden stilettos I practised to walk on for these past few weeks. The shoes matched with my also golden jewellery, minimalistic earrings and a simple necklace that I attached a ruby to because the red colour matched with my lipstick. The dancing lights in the club reflected in the sparkles of the dress I loved. I wasn't the only one with a weakness for it, the paparazzi at the entrance of the building almost blinded me with the flashing of their camera's.

According to Beth, I needed to bring a plus one to the party, so people would get less suspicious about Charles and me. Nobody really cared I thought, but our press conference had lead to some theories. She always managed to make all the evidence disappear, but I didn't support her idea of keeping my relationship a total secret. Luckily, Joey wanted to stay by my side for one evening and took the part as my plus one with pleasure. I already enjoyed his company in the limousine, so I expected us to have a fun evening. I had my doubts on picking Mathis, but he had to fly over to Barcelona and he probably wouldn't like the part where he had to go to his own hotel room. I really felt slutty for the fact that I could literally pick between boys and who I wanted as my date, so that's why Joey seemed the best as we were genuinely just friends.

Joey really proved himself last year, he made his debut as an engineer, but after a few races, he got promoted to head of engineering. I clicked with him the minute we met so that maybe had an impact on his promotion. The guy was only 1 year older than I was, but his parents also worked at Prema which meant he got involved in motorsport from a young age.

"Dais- look at this," Joey pointed at his bow tie, a clip-on since both he and his girlfriend had no clue to tie such thing. He pressed in the middle of the bow, which caused some funny lights to shine. I chuckled and inspected the thing, on the edges, something that looked like Christmas lights, were sewn into the fabric.

"That's how I know you," I chuckled, playfully nudging his shoulder as I waited for him to hang up his coat. Usually, Joey only joked around, but today, when I picked him up, his messy dark curls were slicked back and he even wore a suit, a normal suit that looked pretty expensive. He also brought a lint roller to remove any dust, though I reckoned he just wanted to show off his broad shoulders, I caught myself staring at his shoulders every time he 'removed the dust'. I knew this evening was gonna be long, men in suits, women in dresses. Too many people to respectfully look at.

"And-" he sighed, grabbing something from the pocket of his jacket. "Now I look smart!" He shoved glasses up his nose and I shook my head. His brown eyes stood out thanks to the thin frame, but he looked much better as 'just Joey' instead of this fake personality he put on. "Pleasure you meet you, I am Joseph Calvino, oh no you can call me Joey,"

I rolled my eyes. "Who are you talking to?" I chuckled, he just stood there, facing the wall and waving with his hands. "Mate what the hell is going on?"

"I'm getting us a Ferrari seat," he mumbled, fixing his outfit one more time. I raised my brows, we still needed to prove ourselves here, how did this guy have the audacity to go talk to Mattia Binotto? "Or I'm getting me a job at Ferrari, haven't decided yet."

"Be a little patient," I mumbled. "Before you know I'm driving that car and I'm obviously taking you with me." Joey chuckled and followed me to the bar in the corner, as far as I remembered I didn't need to talk to anyone for my reputation, so a few drinks wouldn't hurt anyone. "This round is on me," I exclaimed, shoving a twenty in the barman's direction. He nodded. The fact that he didn't even greet me or at least talked pissed me off a little, but I also had these days where I could punch someone. Like at the press conference today, I really wanted to shove that can of RedBull down Verstappen his throat. He underestimated me and I made sure he was going to regret it.

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