77. Oh, that's awkward

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When I woke up this morning, I had the strong urge to slam my head against a wall after recalling my memories of last night. I couldn't understand how we got that far, as in, I couldn't even put my mind to it. The worst thing was; I remembered every single thing that happened. I wasn't even under the influence of alcohol! I was sober and I made the decision to sleep with my best friend who still has a girlfriend. I seriously lowered myself to the level of being the other woman, as in, what the actual fuck?

I became the person I despised a few months ago. I literally turned into Rose from Charles's marketing team, or even worse, Tanya. I mean, it had been almost a year since I broke up with Lucas, so that meant I found out about Tanya sleeping with my ex around a year ago too. Well, say whatever you want, but my revenge took quite some dedication. I still wished it never happened because of all the consequences.

Though I had called my therapist to sort this out. She probably was half asleep when she asked if this whole situation sparked joy to me, or she could've been watching an episode of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Regardless of that, it didn't really matter, because in the short term -last night- it did spark joy, now I just felt miserable and disgusting for lowering myself to the levels of the women I despised for doing the same thing.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do now?" I asked Lando, following him into the limousine with my bags. We were going back home to London. I literally had planned a holiday with another man and Lando wanted to see Teddy again. "Lan? Listen to me! What are we supposed to do?"

"I am not speaking to you," he stated, crossing his arms as he looked outside of the window. For people who are best friends, he took place on the whole other side of the limousine and didn't plan on letting me near him.

"So we are just going to pretend that night didn't happen?" I asked, not so sure what to feel about this. We made a mistake of some kind, as usual, but to act as nothing had happened? That felt wrong. "Your level of maturity is just as low as the respect I have for myself right now."

"What am I supposed to do then? Come on, ideas are welcome here!" Lando glared at me. "Daisy I have a girlfriend, who I love, and you have whatever the fuck is going on with George. Last night shouldn't have happened, so we can better stay silent about it so no one knows."

"Don't pretend it's all my fault," I said, furrowing my brows. "You were the one who started all of this to begin with!" Lando rolled his eyes and let out a sigh before searching through his backpack. He opened a can of soda and started drinking it, completely ignoring what I just said. "Dude!"

"You can't go scream something like this of the rooftops, Daisy. The more people who know about this, the more trouble we get. Nothing happened last night, is that clear?" I nodded in response, though it still pissed me off.

"Did it mean something to you?" I asked, to which Lando once again didn't answer. "Or was it just another hookup like we did last year? Some meaningless fuck that-"

"-if it didn't mean anything, I wouldn't keep it a secret," Lando whispered. "Just forget about it, okay? That's better for both of us in the long term."

I nodded, suppressing the smirk that wanted to form on my lips. It just was good to know I still managed to pull my best friend, my confidence for sure got a boost out of it. On the other hand, this had the side effect of me hating myself now. Someone needed to knock some sense into my head as soon as possible, because clearly, I was incapable of doing it myself.

The whole journey we travelled in silence, that until we reached the front door of our house and I needed a little bit of help with my bags. However, more than a few hums and mutters didn't escape our mouths. I was so happy I'd go to Greece with George in a bit, because Lando truly was unbearable to be around. As if last night was my fault! I honestly blamed Lando for all that happened. I had my fair share, though I never intended to kiss him when we got to Monaco, let alone going much further than just kissing.

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