82. That's 4 out of 19

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I preferred to say that I didn't expect to sleep with George when we went on this holiday, but I also didn't want to be a liar.

On the other hand, I didn't expect both of us to be sober either. I just felt a bit stupid, again. I remembered telling Lando a while ago I didn't really like partying all the time and sleeping around, but I hadn't done any different the past few months. I didn't even recognise myself anymore. Oh, no so sad, anyway, last night was absolutely amazing.

I slipped into one of the dresses I already wore, tomorrow we'd leave Mykonos and therefore I didn't want to get all of my clothes dirty. If I told my mum about my actions -I was literally unable to keep secrets from that woman- she wouldn't do my laundry. Today, we planned to dedicate ourselves to packing our bags and perhaps walk around for a bit. To pick up a few more hours in the sun sounded like a smart idea too. For so far, I got an amazing tan without too much of a sunburn, also nice for a change. In my idea, building another sand castle at the beach sounded entertaining.

If I managed to get George out of the bathroom first, seriously, this dude had been fixing his hair for the past hour or so. I had been knocking on the door until my knuckles turned red. I wasn't even acting unreasonable either, I had patiently waited until he was done showering, but the shower stopped running ages ago.

"George, this is not funny. I need to use the mirror right now. Get your ass out of there," I said, knocking against the door once more. "I'm sure your hair looks just fine!"

"I cannot show myself to the world looking like this," George defended, throwing the door open. Okay, maybe he was a bit right, but he was also being overdramatic right now. "Look what you've done to my hair!"

"Oh, trust me, it's not even that bad," I said, moving my hair so it fell over my other shoulder. George gasped, though he started laughing afterwards. "Where is my concealer? I need to cover up these hickeys as soon as I can."

George chuckled and pointed at the glittery sanitary pouch, which stood on a shelf next to the shower. "I'm very sorry," he said, trying to contain his laughter. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. For that matter, I knew he didn't feel bad in the slightest bit. We knew each other for too long. "Okay I'm not, but you got to admit, we had fun last night."

"It was definitely fun," I sighed. I blended the concealer and hoped nothing was visible, I probably had a thin scarf lying around somewhere just in case, and otherwise, my hair had to play a big part in saving me from getting dirty looks.

"But we should never do this again," both George and I said in unison. We looked at each other with wide eyes, but then started laughing again.

"Thank gods," I chuckled. "Don't get me wrong, last night was amazing, but we cannot possibly work out in the long term." George fully agreed with me. "And I know you want something more serious, but I am not ready to commit to someone just yet."

"I'm so glad we're on the same page," George sighed. "I do want something serious, and it would be amazing if we could become something more. I mean, look at last night! However, I know I can't make you happy as long as Lando is around-" what does this have to do with him? "-and I don't like that for myself either."

"Of course not, I completely understand. So, just friends from now on?" George nodded and we high-fived. I let out a sigh of relief. I couldn't be happier, to be honest. The fact things wouldn't get awkward when we'd return home tomorrow calmed my nerves for a bit. Though, now that everything came so close and I was about to go to England, a couple of things crossed my mind.

Firstly, probably the most important factor, my mum. I did leave her behind whilst she was coping with Sophia's death. Did that change her view of me? I couldn't lose the friendship I had with my mum too, I lost enough this year already. I convinced myself I wasn't able to handle more change. I knew she was in the Netherlands right now, at my grandparents their farm to relax, so I wouldn't see her before the start of the formula one season.

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