114. It's way too sweet in here

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"You figured things out?" I repeated, trying to wrap my brain around what he was talking about.

"Yeah," he replied, looking around my empty room. There was something about the way he said those words that put me immediately on edge. He seemed almost nervous as he spoke. "I had some time to think, and I realised a few things. One: we're really not meant to work together. Two: You don't like me very much. Three; you're just gonna run away again. But I know I won't be happy without you by my side. I love you, Daisy, and I don't think it'll ever stop."

I remained quiet for a while. He waited patiently in silence, his eyes glued onto me. I felt my heart beat faster. I could practically hear it pounding, and I knew it wasn't because of the alcohol. My mind went blank and I felt completely dumbstruck. Was he serious? Surely, he didn't expect me to believe him. He'd lost his wits tonight and obviously had too many drinks.

"Are you not upset with me anymore?" I finally choked out. When he didn't say anything right away, I added, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Of course it is," he said, taking a few steps forwards until he stood directly in front of me, reaching out to brush some hair out of my face. "I hate being apart from you, I hate not talking to you, I hate missing you. All I ever want is for us to be happy. That's all I ever wanted since I met you."

His voice lowered into a whisper as he leaned forward, placing one hand beside my head to gently cup the side of my face. He brushed his thumb across my cheek, brushing away the hair that fell from my braid. I looked down at our shoes, refusing to make eye contact with him. I swallowed hard, forcing myself to look at him again.

"Are you sure you aren't drunk?" I asked quietly, trying to keep my voice steady as I glanced up at him.

"Positive," he said with a small smile, glancing downwards briefly. "And if you'd let me, I'd be the happiest to come back in your life. Please, Daisy. Give me another chance to prove I belong there."

"I should be apologising," I murmured, staring straight ahead.

"You should be apologizing, yes," he chuckled. "But I don't want you to." He reached his free hand up and moved the hair behind my ear gently. "You waited for me, that's all I need to know. I don't care about your secrets anymore, I know they're yours to keep. But I know I'll always be with you, no matter what." He paused. "So please? Let's just make it work. Together. No trial period, the real thing."

"Promise?" I asked hesitantly.

He hesitated a moment before nodding, moving closer to me. "Promise." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him, and pressing his lips softly against mine. He pulled back shortly afterwards, watching me with soft brown eyes. "You?"

It wasn't perfect, nothing was ever perfect. There were times when he couldn't trust me, and times when he disappointed me. And there were also times when it was all perfect, all we wanted. Sometimes we struggled, and I didn't doubt for a second that we still would, but I would love him forever. So I nodded, smiling faintly in reply to his question.
"I promise."


The sun woke us both up early the next morning, shining brightly through the windows. I yawned as I stretched my limbs before I sat up properly in bed. I looked over to see Lando snuggled next to me, still soundly sleeping, his arm draped loosely around me. 

A smile tugged at my lips as I gazed down at him, admiring his peaceful expression. The events of last night played once again through my mind and I chuckled quietly. Maybe, just maybe, we were meant to be together after all.

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