18. Sochi

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A/n: you know it by now, voting and comments are really appreciated!

Logan found out two days ago, when he noticed something off during the workout. After Joey helped me with the bandage, my ankle felt much better, I had to admit it I could even walk on it in a very slow pace and faster with only one person used as a crutch, better than nothing at least. As expected, he took me to the infirmary, where they said it was a sprained ankle in mild degree, which meant in one to three weeks, it'll heal with the right amount of rest. A sigh of relief, but also a burden, I needed to sit this race out.

It really hurt to see George close the gap yesterday. Fortunately, I was far ahead thanks to my dedication in the past races, which meant I was only five points ahead of him when the second race started. Aisha offered to let me watch the race at the Sauber hospitality and I did, I couldn't be bothered to look like a disappointment in front of all the people that worked so hard. I squeezed her hand the entire time George overtook someone, but that meant Lando and Alex were ahead, they'd keep him behind for another few laps and I hoped the remaining five. I'd still have the chance to become champion next weekend, though the fact that he came so close didn't exactly have a relaxing impact on my mental state.

My heart pounded in my chest when he and Lando were side to side. Lan had the inside line and George tried to overtake him on the outside, cutting him off at another straight. Lando had to brake hard, but no matter how much he wanted to prevent it from happening, George crashed into him. Pieces of his front wing shattered across the track, causing red flags. There was, unfortunately, more than just a broken front wing and both cars retired on the side of the track.

My eyes widened and I looked at Aisha. "You're still ahead?" She whispered, finding it hard to believe. "You're still ahead! Oh, you're lucky!" I let out a sigh of relief, I hated this to happen to my friends, but on track we weren't exactly mates. I did my best to not smile when I saw a camera pointing at my face and saw myself on tv. Pouting lips and a peace sign as usual worked just fine. Yellow flags and a safety car until the final lap. There wasn't any change in front, Alex won the race and shared the podium with his teammate in second, Nyck was the one that got a decent amount of points in P3, which was nice to see for the team.

Beth sat down next to us with a tray full of coffee, I preferred tea, but I couldn't complain. Being a burden once more this weekend would make Bethari's head explode. She wasn't too happy about my little accident, but if she just let me be seen with Charles, none of it would've happened in the first place. She also brought two pills against the pain, I reckoned I'd get a lot of these the next few weeks, I hoped there weren't any side effects for that reason, but that couldn't be worse than not racing.

"I'm so sorry, I truly am," I sighed and took one of the cups of the tray. The scent of cappuccino made this day slightly better. "I've been irresponsible and I pinky promise I'll be more careful next time." I pointed out my pinky, but she shook her head. I sighed, pretty embarrassed with the fact that she left me hanging.

"More careful next time you do what? Jump out of a window?" She snapped. I put down my coffee, waiting for a following lecture. "Daisy, I told you this wasn't the place and time, especially with those rumours going around."

"We can get rid of the rumours and just confirm them," Aisha suggested. "Something like 'we're in love, no more creepy conspiracy theories please, it makes us uncomfortable and let us live our lives, this won't change a thing about our performances.' what do you think, Beth? You're the boss."

"No," She said. "Were not confirming any relationships here unless they're serious, how long do they know each other, Aisha? This won't last and we don't want them to cause more trouble, we almost lost the championship lead today, it won't happen."

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