44. Still at the same wedding

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A/n: this chapter includes death, if you feel uncomfortable reading about this I think it's best to skip this chapter. The later chapters do include mentioning of this happening. If you struggle with this I don't recommend you to continue reading.

Everyone gathered at their own tables for dinner. I really got disgusted my the facts that Carmen kept feeding my dad from her plate, she even gave him her drinks. I'd reckoned she'd get used to it eventually, when he was old and wrinkly she'd still be in her thirties, feeding a guy she expected to be dead by then. Lando and I made eye contact and started to mock the newlyweds. Pampering nicknames, clingy behaviour and literally sharing our food.

My grandma thought we were dating, but because it'd be hard to explain my actual boyfriend couldn't show up because he'd punch her son, we just didn't confirm or deny and left it up to the imagination. We continued our meal in peace and despite some sneaky comments from my sister towards the married couple, everything went smoothly. From the sparkle in David's eyes, I noticed this woman made him extremely happy and even though I didn't agree with the decision he made, I kept quiet. If this made him happy, then so be it. I couldn't change the past, so I needed to accept this. I'd get used to it.

Later that evening, Lando brought Sophia home so we could enjoy the rest of the party. We also decided to stay in this hotel on David's costs, just to spend all of his money. Who cared about the fact that our own house was only a 15-minute drive? If it meant free drinks, bring it on. I could survive this easily.

"Lan, hold my drink will you?" I asked my best friend before excusing myself to the bathroom. To my concern, there was only one toilet for the ladies and after seeing the bride exit the small cabin, it was my turn. A small jar, around the size of a re-useable shampoo to go container laid there in the rubbish bin. I inspected it further but from a safe distance. The label on it caught my attention. Arsenic, that couldn't mean any good. I rushed my way back to the hall and towards Lando. "Is there any chance you might feel nauseous or anything else slightly uncomfortable?"

"Your questions make me slightly uncomfortable," he chuckled. "I'm fine sunshine, don't worry!" I leaned closer towards him, I didn't pay attention in biology and chemistry, but a bottle with the name of the most common type of poison just couldn't end well. I saw this in movies too often, so I checked it my best friend showed any symptoms of an overdose. I stayed by his side until thirty minutes passed, he still didn't show any symptoms, so I didn't need to worry about him anymore. I still made sure he didn't drink or eat anything just in case.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the same woman as before, the one that welcomed us at the wedding, clapped her hands. "A few new guests joined us for the evening, welcome at our celebration of love and commitment! We're going to start with the first dance, and after that, the hell breaks loose! Have fun this evening, the DJ takes requests by the way."

Another cliche love song started to play, luckily not one I wanted, so none of the songs in my playlists got ruined yet. Carmen's dress swirled around her legs and as much as I hated the couple, for a tiny little moment, my hate made place for different emotions. Somehow, it still found a way to make me feel happy for them. They deserved happiness as well. I rested my head against my friend's shoulder, the moving of the dress kept me in a trance. Only when Lando nudged my shoulder again I grabbed his hand and followed him to the dance floor.

"We're not doing this all evening are we?" I chuckled. We were just a few songs in and I already felt tired. We moved slowly with his hands resting on my hips, my arms wrapped around his neck. I knew he wasn't the person I should've been dancing with, but we did this since we were kids, it wasn't a big deal. I had no idea why the thought that this wasn't a good idea even popped up in my mind. Even at Sophia's age we slow danced together and today I really realised age is just a number. Well, I couldn't deny I was still disgusted by the fact Carmen literally was my age. I just turned that sentence to my hand whenever it came in helpful to me. If that meant an excuse to dance maybe a little too close to your best friend, then so be it, I'd just leave this small detail out of the story I'd tell my boyfriend.

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