76. My therapist will hear about this

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We celebrated Kate and Lewis their wedding today, as expected with only a small crowd of people. Seb showed up along with his wife and I was there with Lando who I brought as emotional support and plus-one. Despite my sister's funeral a few days ago, the wedding continued. Kate did understand it if I preferred to stay at home, but I wanted to go to the wedding as a little distraction. I mean, it doesn't happen every day that your friends are getting married. Even though I still had the opportunity to visit their winter wedding in their case of being rich and a little indecisive.

The actual ceremony happened during sunset, followed by a dinner with the few people invited. Kate wore an absolutely stunning dress, but this was not the one we bought together when we went shopping for wedding dresses together. We'd save that one for the big wedding at the end of the season, or that was what Kate told me as we were standing in their living room, taking some drinks at the small after-party. I had promised myself not to get drunk, my current mental state not being one to be proud of, not that I blamed myself for that. I actually blamed many others for my behaviour.

People annoyed me with their constant confrontations about my sister's death. I for sure knew they intended it well, but just because Sophia passed, it didn't mean I was a mess, or at least not more than usual. I never depended on others, though extra money was always welcome, nothing changed. Yet people acted like I needed to be handled with care, which frustrated me quite a lot. Yes, they wanted to be nice because one of the most important people in my life just had been taken away from me, but them feeling the need to help me out all the time, only made the loss hurt more as they kept reminding me of it. I wanted to recall memories a few weeks ago, but now it seemed like my life revolved around Sophia, her being the only subject of the conversations I had. I had to be honest, pissed me off, not only because I couldn't really believe what was happening to me and my family at the moment, but how only a few people were respecting our boundaries. As if the loss of a close one means you can show up at my house at three pm! Sorry, George, you meant it well...

"So hello," Lando said as he came back from a conversation he had with Lewis and Seb. I knew they discussed something concerning either Kate, me or both of us, with us catching them stare every two minutes. I took a glance at Kate who turned away to pour herself another drink. I had to admit, against the promise I made myself, I got a little tipsy, but I now made Lando swear he would stop me from drinking. Now that Kate ignored me for some reason, I turned my attention to Lando, who reached out for my hand. "May I have this dance, my lady?" He asked me, much to my surprise.

"Excuse me?" I chuckled, hesitating to go with him, but still allowing him to hold my hand. My confusion only grew when he bowed a little and pressed a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "Excuse me, what the fuck?" I said, showing my politest smile.

Lando rolled up the sleeve of his black blazer and squinted his eyes at the text written on his arm, then he took a look over his shoulder at Lewis and Seb, who laughed a little. "They didn't prepare me for that answer, to be honest," he said, an awkward smile curving up to his lips. "Though you haven't answered my question, will you dance with me?" He adjusted his jacket as it sat before, maintaining eye contact.

"The pleasure is all mine," I chuckled, following him to the dance floor, which was basically Kate and Lewis their living room but with the furniture shoved aside and the lights turned down low. In the corner of the room, it was a big room for that matter, stood a bar table and a bigger light, but further than that, nothing was in our way, well except for some dogs.

Despite the room being so dark, I could still clearly see my best friends face, I couldn't see Kate and Lewis dancing behind me, but then I accidentally bumped up to Kate and then I for sure noticed we weren't the only ones around.

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